001 | 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫

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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐋𝐋 was said and done, Lewis ended up being the one driving Y/n's car as she sat up front in the passenger's seat since she was going to be holding a map for what she assumed for the entirety of their trip. Soon though when they had to stop for gas at a small, isolated Wyoming gas station, Y/n took it upon herself to refuel the car since Lewis said that he was going to use the payphone.

"I've changed my plans. I'm, uh... I'm not flying back. I got a car, I'm driving," Lewis said excitedly, but decided to leave out the part of it belonging to Y/n for the moment since it wasn't relevant nor did he think his mom was going to ask how he was able to afford one. Bonus points for him. Soon, Lewis' eyebrows furrowed when his mom didn't share his happiness. "Mom?" He spoke up again.

"Driving by yourself?" She repeated, her voice filled with a melancholy flair to it, but Lewis was too preoccupied in his own thoughts to even notice. "By yourself?" She added.

"No. I'm with Y/n right now—we are actually on our way to pick up Venna. She's sort of on my way, so..." he trailed off, hoping that his mom wouldn't be too upset with him. Again, she didn't answer right away. "Mom? Are you alright?" He asked, wanting to address the elephant in the room.

"Sorry. It's... sorry. That's great, Lewis." She finally praised him.

"What's the matter?"

"Your brother just called." She finally fessed up to what's been bothering her. Surprise and discomfort overtake Lewis' features when his mom says this. "He's... he was arrested. Again. Drunk and disorderly." She explained. It was also at this point that Y/n wondered what was taking Lewis so long. Surely, the whole picking up Venna wasn't that big of a deal, was it?

And just one look at his body language tells her all she needs to know: he's not happy. Y/n tried to think of all the possibilities but came up with nothing. 'Maybe I should cover gas just this one time...' she thought to herself, giving the gas pump the needed money before climbing back into the passenger's seat with a small huff.

Lewis leaned against the glass wall of the pay booth. "Where? In San Diego?" He inquired.

"Salt Lake City." His mother corrected him. Lewis sighs. "Don't worry. It's not your problem." As much as he wanted this to be true, it wasn't. It was almost as if his mom wanted it to be that way. See, if his brother's arrest wasn't his issue, then his mom wouldn't have shared it with Lewis, especially when he's in a good mood.

"What did dad say?"

"You know your dad." His mother retorted. "He, uh... didn't want to bail him out. Said he's not... says that Fuller needs to help himself. It's just the same thing over and over again, but that doesn't mean I don't miss" he heard her sniffle on the other line. "I have to go. Drive safe, okay?" And with that, his mom hangs up.

Lewis, pained, sets down the receiver and heads back to the vehicle.

"Hey," Y/n called out to the blond from inside the car, waving her arm frantically since she knew that his mind was elsewhere. He leaned down and poked his head through the window, having rolled it down. "I paid for the gas, so let's get a move on." In other words, he should move his ass if they both wanted to see Venna soon.

"You didn't need to do that..." he practically grumbled, surprising Y/n since she thought he'd be happy to have to worry about one less thing.

"I know, but you seemed a little preoccupied over there..." she gestured toward the payphone. "Wanna talk about it?" Y/n questioned as Lewis finally got back into the driver's seat, pushing two fistfuls of his hair back.

"Looks like I got to bail out my brother." He briefly filled her in on his chat with his mother. The news alone caused Y/n's eyes to widen.

"Wait, what?" She gasped. "Can't your dad bail him out instead?" As she proposed this idea, Lewis pursed his lips into a thin line.

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