04 - enchanted

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HUMIDITY ENCAMPS THE air around the cramped-up class. It Isn't exactly cramped, but I could do with more air. Can't these kids open the window? Even though the rain is pouring outside, it still feels hot here.

At least the walls have been repainted, and the old chairs have been replaced with new ones. I cannot tell you how uncomfortable the old ones were, especially when you had to sit around for nearly four hours of detention.

I comb my hand through my somewhat wet hair, then shake it to spray the remaining contents of rainwater that slouch between the roots.

"Hi Rick," a girl greets me.

Mark grins at me, "Now that you're open, all the girls are gonna come running,"

A gush of blowing air sweeps away the humidity, relieving me. I notice that Amanda, the tall girl with braces, has opened the fans. Thanking her is an option, but where's the need?

Mark smacks his hand against my arm as I sit back in the dingy chair. "Don't you think she's cute?" he whispers while gaping at the new girl with his brown eyes.

I shrug nonchalantly, glancing at her while she chit-chats with cheerful glee to Camille, Ruby, and Jace. The yellow of her top is obscured by Jace's dark blue hoodie, which doesn't complement the outfit at all.

At least she's warm now. She was shivering when she walked into class. Moreover, the minute she entered, all eyes were on her as she captured everyone's attention with her unforeseen presence.

Ruby had stretched a broad smile across her cherry-coated lips, not wasting a moment to rush to her and loop an arm around the new girl.

Then Jace chimed into their conversation, seeking this opportunity to sway the new girl with his so-called charm. I smirked at the ideas he must've been having in his head.

On the other hand, Camille was only befriending the new girl to find out about her weaknesses to use them against her. Why? Do you ask? Let's just say Camille has a minor crush on Jace and is not pleased that Jace might be engrossed in the new girl.

Mark is right, though. She is cute. And I think it has to do with those rose-colored cheeks that can make anyone want to pinch or kiss them, for that matter. Or her stunning blue eyes that I bet can twinkle in the sunshine.

Mark props his head on his hand, looking at her as if she were a mere dream. "Cute is not enough to describe her. She's beautiful."

Arching a brow, I kick his chair before folding my arms, perfectly contained in my light blue denim jacket, gifted to me by Luke.

"You have a girlfriend? Remember?"

He settles his gaze onto me and smirks. "I know, there's nothing wrong with looking at someone."


"Dude, have you texted that girl?" he starts going through his phone. "What was her name again?" He looks up at the paint-peeled ceiling as if that will alleviate his memory. They painted the walls but not the ceiling? How can this school get any better? (Note the sarcasm) "Ah yeah, Lizzy?"

"Yeah, I got her number," I was swinging in my chair, my white Adidas hitting the ground occasionally.

"Why haven't you texted her yet?" he makes a face, slapping his hand on one of his textbooks. "She keeps questioning me about why you don't answer her texts, and it's annoying, man." He groans, shooting a hand through his hair, making it more ruffled than its original state.

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