Captive In Hell

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Author's POV

The night came with misery. Jennie was still sleeping after Martha took care of her wounds and gave her a bitter liquid to drink. She said that it would heal the wounds and work as a painkiller. It made Jennie felt sleepy.

"WAKE UP SLUT!" Jay shouted at her.

When she didn't woke up, he stepped on Jennie's injured back. She instantly wake up screaming in pain.

"Good girl. Now let's go." He was about to walk away.

"W-where?" Jennie asked in a weak voice.

"To serve our captain!" He said with a wicked smile.

Her heart leapt up to the throat. She looked around, noticing her surroundings. She thought it was all a nightmare. But no, it's the reality. She traveled back in time. Captured by pirates, they gave her nasty punishment and now she needed to satisfy the captain. Her throat dried up. The sun had long gone. It's pitch black outside.

"I don't have all day to wait for you. Move your ass!" He boomed in annoyance.

Jennie still stayed in her place. It made him more frustrated. He went to her, grabbed her arm tightly before dragging her outside. She started to weakly protest.

"Stop wasting your energy. You need it a bit later." He mocked.

Jennie felt nauseous even thinking about what would Captain do to her.

"I would have devoured you already, if it's not for the captain's order. He will be the one who enjoy you first." He made a face.

They already arrived in front of Captain's cabin.

"Leave me!" Jennie tried to yanked her arm, though his tight grip didn't falter.

He knocked on the door, "I bring her!"

After some moments later Captain opened the door. His eyes shone in lust after looking at Jennie. She already started to cry silently as the captain throw her on the bed. She moved far away from that monster.

"Stay away from me!!" Jennie shouted in anger.

"No can't do sweety. Come to me while I'm speaking nicely, otherwise I have to punish you." He said taking off his clothes.

"Go to hell!!" She throw a lamp at him, as she tried to run towards the door.

Unfortunately captain caught her wrist, before pressing her down on the bed. He was about to ripped Jennie's shirt, she kicked his balls. He winced letting her go. Jennie took the opportunity and about to open the door.

"FUCKING BITCH!!!" He growled from behind Jennie.

Before she can open the door, something hard hit the back of her head. She instantly lost her consciousness.

Jennie woke up as the sunlight fell on her face. She found herself in the dark musty smelling cell again. Her head hurts crazily. The night's incident came in her. She frantically checked her clothes. It was all okay.

"N-nothing happened?.." she sighed in relief, "Thank you God."

The sound of opening main door startled her. She anticipated that it's captain or Jay or maybe some of those men. Relief washed over her as Martha came in her view.

"I bring food and medicine." She said in her scratched voice.

"What happened last night? Who put me back here? Did something.. wrong happened with me? Please tell me." Jennie blabbered.

Martha sighed before putting the food tray on the dirty floor.

"They are going to make your life living hell. Last night you hit our captain. He is nothing but a cold blooded, sadist. He tried to sexual with you. When you were about to get out, he hit your head with the lamp. Fortunately he didn't do anything with you next." Martha finished narrating the incident.

Jennie touched the back of her head and felt a huge lump formed.

"Eat and drink the medicine. I will come back after sometime. Your work of cleaning the deck is still unfinished. Try to finish it today otherwise there will be severe punishment waiting for you." Martha said in a sympathetic and worried tone.

Jennie knew this woman was the only one who care for her even a little bit. As soon as Martha goes out, she looked at the food. The same stale bread and water. Her tummy grumbled in hunger. She devoured the tasteless food in a matter of few minutes. She was about to drink the stinky bitter medicine when the captain kicked open the door before storming towards her cell. He was looking extremely furious.

Getting into her cell, he grabbed Jennie by her throat, choking her.

"You dare to hit me. No one has the courage to even speak to me rudely. Do you think I spared you? I didn't. I will make sure that you cry tears of blood and beg me to kill you." He spat on her face and throw her on the floor before kicking her stomach.

Jennie didn't had the strength to get up or respond. She stayed her as tears comes out of her eyes, only sobbing could be heard.

Before he went out, "I'll find out who send you here. Get back to work. I don't want to repeat myself."

The days had blurred into a nightmarish sequence for Jennie. Her life had become an unending hell. The ruthless pirates, with their dark intentions, showed her no mercy. Jennie's life was reduced to an endless cycle of misery. She was given hardly enough food to sustain her, and what little sustenance she received was barely edible. It was a pitiful ration of stale bread and brackish water that left her perpetually hungry and weak. Starvation had become her constant companion.

But it wasn't just hunger that tormented her. The crew forced her into grueling, backbreaking labor that she had never before imagined. Sweating under the relentless Caribbean sun, Jennie toiled alongside hardened pirates, scrubbing the deck until her hands were raw and carrying heavy barrels of supplies to and fro. Her body ached from the relentless labor, and her clothing bore the stains of her ceaseless efforts.

Captain Van Drake, the sadistic leader of this crew, took a particular delight in tormenting Jennie. His eyes held a wicked gleam as he found new ways to break her spirit. Physically, he would subject her to cruel punishments. He delighted in flogging her, leaving her back a web of welts and bruises that throbbed with each step. The pain was a constant reminder of her helplessness.

But it was the emotional torture that cut the deepest. He would taunt her, making her feel as though she were nothing more than a plaything in his cruel game. He'd remind her of her vulnerability and the futility of escape, leaving her feeling utterly defeated.

Yet, through the agony and despair, a fire burned within Jennie. The sweet, kind-hearted woman from the future was not so easily broken. She clung to her inner strength, determined to survive this ordeal and find a way back to her time.

As she scrubbed the blood-stained deck or carried yet another heavy load, she whispered to herself, "I will endure. I will escape."

The nightmares from her sleep didn't scare her anymore cause the reality was more scarier than those. Everyday she woke up in the morning thinking that she was back to her time but it's not.

After every flogging she would remind herself, "I will escape. Dunno where to go but not here anymore. Hold yourself. Don't let them break me."


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