Perils In The Depths

210 28 11

Author's POV

Jennie couldn't believe her misfortune as she stood before the cramped, dimly lit chamber that served as the ship's toilet. The stench was overpowering, a noxious blend of seawater, human waste, and mildew that assaulted her senses. It was a far cry from her modern, sanitized world, and she felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

"Goodness! How in the world..?" She mumbled covering her mouth and nose.

As she reluctantly picked up a worn wooden brush and a bucket of seawater, Jennie's emotions swirled. She had been assigned the most demeaning task on the ship, cleaning the toilet. She dipped the brush into the bucket and scrubbed the fouled chamber, her face contorted in disgust. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and despair. She yearned for the comforts of her time, her clean bathroom, and her simple life. The stark contrast between her previous life and this harsh reality was almost too much to bear.

"I couldn't do it anymore. Mom, I miss you." A lone tear escaped her eye.

She was about to wipe sweat on her forehead, when Jay came to torment Jennie further. He leered at her with a sinister grin, reveling in her discomfort.

"Not used to getting your hands dirty, are you, lass?" he jeered, inching closer to her.

Jennie's heart raced as she tried to ignore Jay's advances, focusing on the dirty task at hand. She knew she had to be strong, especially in the presence of these ruthless pirates.

"You have such a beautiful ass." He slapped her butt cheek.

Jennie became frightened and moved away from him.

"Do not dare to touch me! Sick man!" She spat near Jay.

He laughed instead of getting mad.

"What will you do if I dare? Where will you go? Who will you ask for help?" He asked while moving closer to Jennie.

She pressed far away in a corner. Unfortunately today she doesn't has anything to defend herself with.

"Stay a-away!" She shouted.

Jay leaped on her like a hungry tiger, to eat her alive. He ripped away the sleeve of her shirt. Trying to unbutton the shirt as well, while pressed his chapped lips with her delicate ones. He forcefully pushed his dirty tongue inside, enjoying Jennie's desperation and agony. He choked her, then give a hard slap which made Jennie lose her strength.

As Jay's harassment reached its peak, a deafening cannon blast shattered the tension. The ship quaked, and Jennie and Jay stumbled, grasping for balance. Chaos erupted as the crew members rushed to their stations, realizing they were under attack.

'Sea Serpent' the one Jennie had found herself on, was being ambushed by another pirate vessel. The skies were darkening, and the clash of swords, the sound of cannons firing, and the roar of the sea filled the air.

Jay run outside to assist his fellow members. Jennie clutched the door handle, watched the fierce battle unfold. It was a chaotic dance of peril, a violent display of pirate life that she had only ever read about in books. Van Drake's crew fought fiercely to defend their ship, but the attackers were cunning and relentless.

"Am I gonna die?" This question ringing in her head every single second.

With a weak attempt of saving herself, she closed the door of the chamber.

Aboard the opposing ship, Kim Jisoo, the feared Pirate Queen, led her crew with a ruthless determination. She was a formidable presence, her cunning and courage on full display as she dueled with Van Drake, her arch-nemesis. Their blades clashed in a symphony of steel, a testament to the animosity that fueled their rivalry.

"You are still strong as ever!!" Van Drake sneered, as he tried to trick Jisoo by almost stabbing a poisonous knife on her chest.

She already knew his motive, as she ducked down, then kicked his stomach.

"Not again with you dirty tricks." Jisoo laughed sarcastically.


Jisoo smirked, "I'm not him. You are a nasty rapscallion! Scaby sea bass! I'm not gonna spare you like last time."

They started to fight again.

In the midst of the battle, Van Drake's crew fought valiantly, but it was clear that they were being overpowered. As Jennie clung to the wall, the chamber rocked with the impact of cannonballs and the deafening roars of muskets.

A cannon ball hit the chamber. Jennie burst out of the door, rolling down on the deck. She tried to get up but  couldn't as a huge piece of wood stabbed on her left thigh. A headless pirate body fall in front of her. The blood splattered on her face and body. She cried out in fear, trying move away. Another cannon ball burst the mast just above Jennie. Timely she sprinted to away but the impact of broken mast broke the wooden deck which made her lose balance and went straight in the sea. Her body hit the cold dark water with a splash yet no one noticed as the war raged.

Jennie swimmed the surface only to be terrified by the scene infront of her. The 'Sea Serpent' was devastated, broken into two pieces and about to sunk in the sea. Knowing the danger of the situation she tried to swim faster away from the broken ship. She heard another loud deafening blast as the ship collapsed on the ship. Debrises, sharp objects fly around. Something hard hit Jennie as she lost consciousness. The last moment she saw a red and black giant ship coming towards.

"Hey wake up. Wake up!"

Jennie felt taps on her cheeks. Her eyelids feels heavy. Again that voice she heard with the shaking.

"Her left thigh is injured." A male voice said while touching her thigh.

Jennie started to gain her consciousness. She could see blurry faces of some people. They were looking at her.

"She is a rare beauty." Someone said.


Jennie now fully regained her consciousness. She looked around to found herself in that giant red and black pirate ship. She immediately sit up. Her head was still heavy and vision blurry.

"W-who are you all?" She asked.

They all stared at each other. Jennie's wide eyes locked with Jisoo's, who exuded a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

Jisoo, her dark hair billowing in the sea breeze, circled Jennie like a predator assessing its prey.

"You, my dear, are a curious addition to this battle," she purred, her voice dripping with intrigue.

"The name is, Captain Kim Jisoo. This is 'Crimson Tempest' and you are my captive now!" She laughed triumphantly.

Cold chills down through Jennie's spine. The names 'Kim Jisoo' and 'Crimson Tempest' made her shuddered. She read about them in the past or it should be addressed in the future. Kim Jisoo, was the name of terror. Every pirate crew even British officials also scared of her. She was a cold blooded murderer. In a blink of a eye she can kill you. She doesn't have sympathy at all.

Jennie felt an overwhelming mix of emotions. At first she thought that She was safe from the chaos of the battle, but now, she was in the clutches of the very pirate she had read about in history books. Her life had taken a perilous turn, and she had no choice but to confront the Pirate Queen who held her fate in her hands.

"You are gonna stay here, forever." Jisoo's frightening voice, made Jennie's blood run cold.


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Here's another update!

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