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Author's POV

Jennie's heart started to pound in her chest. Those dirty men were getting closer to her.

"No!! Stay away from me!" She tried to move back but another man came from behind, capturing her in his arms.

"Oh! A feisty one. HAHAHAHA!!" One of them laughed.

She keep on struggling to be free but nothing happened cause they had extreme strength. That old hag grabbed her shirt about to rip it, when Jennie kicked his balls. He winced and sit down on the ground.

"Fucking bitch!!" The other one growled and slapped her. Her lips started to bleed.

"WHAT'S GOIN' ON 'ER!!?" A booming voice stopped everyone from moving.

Jennie looked up on the cabin door to find a large man with dirty long hair, coming down, looking extremely angry. He walked into the middle of the crowd before finding the beautiful girl with odd clothing. He stared at her in dirty way.

"Oh my! Such a beauty. How did you get in 'Sea Serpent' ?" That monster like man asked.

They spoke I broken english. Jennie could still understand.

"Please leave me! I really don't know how I ended up here. I'm not from your timeline. I'm from 2023. Please spare my life!" She cried out.

Others started to whisper among themselves before that monster laughed maniacally.

"HAHAHAHA!! Is she nuts? Do you think it's easy to fool us bitch!!?" He grabbed Jennie's jaw harshly.

"I'm telling the tr-truth.. please leave me." She whimpered in pain as the grip on her cheek tightened.

"You are a treasure to us." His eyes sparkled in cruelty. "LOCK HER UP FOR NOW! BRING HER OUT IN THE DECK AFTER SUNRISE. I WILL DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH HER!"

He gave Jennie a wicked smile before leaving her with those hungry beasts. The man called Jay, came forward with ropes in his hand.

"I'm sorry to ruin your delicate wrists miss." He mocked before tying her wrists together tightly.

The man who was behind Jennie, gropped her butt cheek. This makes her jumped in fear.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She spat in frustration.

They all laughed once again before Jay dragged her inside the ship. They climbed down stairs to enter in the depth of ship. The musty smell makes Jennie almost puke. Jay opened a dirty cell door.

"Stay here until morning. Captain will definitely give you to us." He licked his lips hungrily while looking a Jennie before pushed her inside and locked the door.

He left without looking back at her. The place was damp and smell worst. She didn't noticed the sun already set making the sky orangish. She sits down on the dirty floor, as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"I miss you mom. I wish that I wouldn't reject your offer to go back home for the vacation. It wouldn't happened then." She whispered while hugging her knees to chest.

The darkness engulfed the cell, as the time passed. Jennie didn't know what to do. She became hopeless. Everytime there's a sound, she jumped in scare. Those beastly men might came to torture her. No one came the whole night. Jennie fall asleep without knowing. She woke up by someone's touch on her thigh. She jerked up and moved away, only to found an elderly woman looking at her sympathetically.

"Do not fear. I not hurt you." It's clear by the way she spoke that she was not good in english.

Jennie shook her head, "N-no. What are you all gonna do to me?"

Hearts across time (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now