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Author's POV

As days turned into weeks, Jennie's curiosity for Jisoo continued to grow. She observed the Pirate Queen discreetly, her keen eyes taking in the nuances of her character. Whether it was the way Jisoo commanded the crew with a blend of authority and care, or the moments of vulnerability that slipped through her steely facade, Jennie couldn't help but be drawn further into the enigma of Kim Jisoo.

"Will you stop digging hole at Captain's head?" Lisa pleaded playfully.

Jennie blushed, "What? I'm not doing anything!"

Lisa laughed, "Sure you don't. If you want to talk to her so badly, just go ahead." She pushed Jennie towards the captain.

Jennie glared at her, feeling embarrassed. "Stop it Lisa!"

Jisoo glanced at them from a far, feeling curious about their conversation. She began to notice Jennie's presence more frequently. Her heart, usually burdened by the responsibilities of leadership, felt strangely light and joyful whenever her eyes fell upon the frail yet unbreakable woman who had unintentionally become a part of her world. She couldn't pinpoint when it had happened, but Jennie had slowly become a source of warmth and intrigue in her life.

She walked towards Lisa and Jennie, whom still talking and laughing.

"What's so funny, Lisa?" Jisoo directed the question towards Lisa while keeping her eyes on Jennie.

"Hello captain!" Lisa playfully saluted her.

Everyone knows, Lisa wasn't scared of Pirate Queen. She is always joking around Jisoo fearlessly.

"Don't you two have work? Should I assign you to clean chambers?" Jisoo tried to scare them.

Lisa rolled her eyes knowing she was joking while Jennie became scared cause she already had the experience of cleaning those dirty, stinky toilets.

"I-I am sorry! I'll go now." Jennie left quickly.

It made Jisoo confused as she stared at the back of Jennie.

"Why are you always scaring her? She didn't even do anything wrong." Lisa asked quite seriously.

Jisoo glared at her, "Watch how you talk Manoban."

"What? I'm just asking."

"I have no interest in answering your question."

"Is this how you try to get close to someone, you are fond of? By scaring them?" Lisa hit the point.

Jisoo's eyes widen slightly. 'How did she know?' She thought.

Composing herself, Pirate queen turn around, "I guess you should get some rest. Your brain isn't functioning well. Have you lost it!?"

"What? I'm just asking. Why are YOU reacting?" Lisa smirked, obvious about Jisoo's intentions.

The Pirate Queen shook her head in disbelief before marching towards her cabin. Lisa couldn't help but laugh at both of the idiocracy.

Jennie took her plate of foods, before sneaking out on the deck. She loves to eat alone at the deck while watching the night sky. She put a lamp infront of her before sitting down close to the edge. The night sky was so clear, full of stars.

"Is the place taken?" A voice came from her behind. Jennie almost shrieked in scare.

She looked at her back to find Captain standing with her share of food. It's quite unusual. Jennie nodded nonetheless. Jisoo sit down leaving a little space between them. For a few minutes it was silent, only the sound of forks clanking.

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