Shinimari must've heard my piercing scream wherever he was in the temple. A bolt of lightning flew into the room and he appeared in its place.
"Kaizen are you o-"
I could tell he finally saw what was in my arms. What used to be our mother. After I had picked it up out of sadness, I noticed that the corpse was brittle, like a single gust of wind would shatter it. Shinimari out a comforting hand in my shoulder and tried to speak but it did nothing but anger me.
I felt the grief boil within me, working itself into a blaze. My entire body once again ignited in the gold flame, and my brother backed away. But it wasn't in pain it was in wonder. I could hear him speak, but only slightly.
"Mom told me to send you to a special place once this power revealed itself. Just know that she'll teach you what you'll need to kill your father."
Shinimari placed his palms out, with the index fingers and thumbs touching so that the space between the hands formed a triangle. A light appeared in the center, then expanded like a flashlight beam towards me. Everything went white and I vanished from the room.
I appeared in front of a mountain cave, but the gold flames that encompassed me remained. Something in Latin marked the entrance.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
The famous line that marked the entrance to Hell. That wasn't ominous at all.

Shadowfire Book Two: Ice Cold
FantasyThis world is no longer free. A man- no, not a man, a monster- has taken control of it. A beast of black fire. But this beast is my father. And I am destined to slay him.