30. save the date

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Adaline checked her phone a few more times, going over Emily's text over and over

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Adaline checked her phone a few more times, going over Emily's text over and over. The girls were late for picking her up. They were supposed to pick her up ten minutes ago, but Emily's car never pulled up in front of her house. So Adaline stood stupidly at her front door, peering out the window. She whirled around when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey, dad," she said calmly, knowing that she was caught.

"Ads..what are you doing up so late?"

She bit the inside of her cheek. "Emily texted me," she explained. She learned long ago that saying the partial truth helped formulate a lie. "Hanna and Caleb got into some fight and we were going to go get some junk food and stuff our faces until Han felt better."

"This late?" Adam asked, coming to stand next to Adaline by the door.

"I was about to text you. I didn't want to burst into your room in case you were asleep. What are you doing up?"

Adam shook his head. "Haven't been able to sleep lately."

"You can take that one sleeping pill of mine as long as you're okay with sleep walking and hallucinations."

He left out a shaky laugh. "What was your hallucinations?"

Adaline shrugged, spotting a pair of headlights down the street. "Ali was here. She was looking for something, told her it was outside, we went. It felt so real, and I said something about Jason wanting to see her, but when I got to his place through the woods, she was gone and I fell asleep."

"Jesus," he mumbled. "I definitely won't be taking that."

Adaline chuckled, seeing Emily's car out front. "It's okay if I go?"

He nodded. "Yeah, just lock up when you get back. And be safe. Don't get too sick from the junk food."

Adam kissed Adaline's forehead and walked to the kitchen. Her phone buzzed. A text from Aria saying they were outside. She opened the door and slipped outside, walking in the cold to the car.

Hanna opened the car door from the inside and slide over, allowing Adaline to get in. They all rode quietly in the car until they got to Emily's house, turning it off. They were all watching the street.

"It was just the two of you, sitting in Garrett's car?" Hanna finally asked, turning to Spencer.

"I didn't know where else to meet him," Spencer explained. "It wasn't like I could ask him that stuff down at the precinct."

Aria turned around from the front seat. "How did you get away from him?"

"When you sent me that text, I told it was from my mom, she wanted me home ASAP. Am I still shaking? I'm still shaking?"

"Yeah," Hanna grimaced. "We're all shaking. Can you turn on the heat? You could make a slushy back here."

Emily ignored her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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