Chapter 7 it has know begun

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Andrea p.o.v
'Sigh' I sit beside Alucard on the plain across from Pip, I roll my eyes this better be quick this ride I am not scared of the plane I just don't like sitting here in a different environment doing nothing well I can't complain at least am not in the same situation as seras locked in a coffin in the cargo hold that am grateful isn't me.

I roll my eyes as I stand next to Alucard "I believe I have a suite" "uh yes mr Brennan thank you I have your reservation right here... the penthouse has been prepared for you" I hear pip behind us and Alucard tells him to take it straight up to the penthouse. I look behind me and see them carrying the coffin in oh yes that doesn't look suspicious at all that looks completely normal, I roll my eyes "excuse me sir is that your luggage?... am sorry sir the hotel doesn't allow such large personal belongings... the hotel can't be held responsible if something-" I've had enough so I speak up "It's fine" I glare at the man as he continues "am sure I just have to call my um it's just" as he speaks alucard walks over to him "your luggage looks a bit" I roll my eyes as Alucard hypnotises him. Jeez that boy sure worry's a lot if that was really what he thought it was we wouldn't be stupid enough to walk right through the door with it how stupid ugh. Alucard starts walking away so I follow walking beside him.

I sigh as I sit down on one of the chairs as Pip complains about his hotel I smirk as I speak up "cheap hotels can be extremely charming you know" I smirk more at his response well it's not our fault we never booked them. I keep my smirk as I wave goodbye to Pip as he's heading towards the door I see him wave back "I'll see you later Andrea" "see you soon Pip remember what I said about cheap hotels" with that Alucard walks him out the door.
I continue to stand looking out the window at everything going on I see Alucard giving a faint smirk then go over to wake seras up "wake up" "oh hello good morning" I smirk at this as I speak continuing to look out the window "good evening seras there is something interesting going on" as she sits up the lights go off ha like that would stop us we can see in the dark. As I continue to look out the window a helicopter appears so seras runs over from hearing it and stairs out the window I smirk at her shocked reaction "what the hell is going on?" Alucard starts laughing out loud "know it's time for us to go to war!" A wicked smirk spreads on my face as I turn to face him. Oh this is going to be so fun oh I can't wait for this.

I frown at this blood bath before me before that man shot himself how can someone be so stupid and do that, that's taking the cowards way out how can someone really be so cowardly. I hear seras jump out of the cupboard as I glare at that man's body "master, mistress" I turn away still glaring as Alucard answers "seras prepare for battle" "uh but?" "Is there a problem? Do as your told!" Seras starts walking towards us as I stand beside Alucard "but master these people these are human beings" I glare at her as I speak "your point?" I growl out "these people are human beings!" Before I had a chance to respond Alucard responds "I don't care what these things are! They came here to try and kill us it no longer matters what they are know they must die they'll be slaughtered! Corpses left to rot in their graves by filth this is just the way it is this is what has to be done and no one has the power to change that not god, the devil or you!" Alucards got a strong grip on her as I watch closely.

I understand where seras is coming from but Alucards right they came here to kill us why should we let them just because their humans?! I hear seras "I...I know but their just..." Alucards looked shocked for a second then speaks as he drops her "I know this is just the way it is" "oh yes master" I offer seras a hand as Alucard turns "come along know seras no time to be a coward" "sorry sir... Yes! Right!"

As Alucard goes to call sir integra I stand beside seras with my arms crossed glaring out the window as I speak to seras "he is right you know" seras turns to me confused "huh? What do you mean mistress?" I look at her "what I mean is if you'll be a coward then you'll die like one" seras looked shocked "what?!" I continue "but I don't see a coward when I look at you Alucard told me about how he turned you if you were truly a coward you would have refused and died there but you chose to fight so stop acting like an idiot Alucard was right these people came to kill us why should we not fight to protect ourselves think seras would anyone who isn't a coward not fight in our position?" Seras looks at me shocked and then nods her head in confidence "no your right mistress" I look her in the eyes and nod back and turn back towards Alucard as he is finishing up "then by your orders my master I hope you enjoy the show"

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