Chapter five The Valentine brothers Part Two

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I smirk as I walk along the halls after splitting up with Alucard, know this will be fun i can't wait to tear them to shreds. I stop as I hear the enemies approach my smirk growing as I look and see i am surrounded by ghouls, oh it's so good to be back oh how i missed this know let's have some fun. I run forward pulling out lineage and legacy slashing and stabbing anything that came close to me. I continue top fight using both my dagger and gun as I continue to take back both the first and second floors my smirk never leaving my face.

After I finish taking back the first and second floors I stretch standing on the second floor. Hmm that didn't take as long as i expected and here I thought these guys were going to entertain me for longer, oh well what can I do, best to head down to Alucard maybe I can watch him fight that always entertains me. With that thought I start walking down towards the basement.

As I get close to the door I see a white coat hanging from the wall impaled with several spears, hmm I wonder how he dodged that must be really fast or something who knows. I shrug it off as I start walking down the stairs. I gain the biggest smirk ever as I stop halfway and see a blond haired vampire with his legs ripped off looking up at me scared "well it looks like I haven't missed the good part of the show" I start walking down the stairs towards him and soon a scared look of realisation come upon his face "'s you!" I look at him, hmm he knows who i am " Andrea the wolf queen! " at this my smirk turns sadistic as I reach him I bend down and grab his chin " oh yes that is indeed me am glad to see my reputation proceeds me and I see my mate has had some fun"

After I had said that my grip had hardened as he shows pain, I speak my voice going from smooth to a sick rage filled voice "am so glad I will get to see my mate finish you off you pathetic bastard how dare you willingly speak my name" I let go of him and smirk standing up as I sense Alucard, know this will be entertaining for sure. I look in front of me seeing I was right there was Alucard with one of his restrictions released, oh yes definitely going to be fun to watch this.

The blond looks behind him and sees Alucard there, oh how i do love seeing this side of Alucard. "What are you?! What in the bell are you?!" The blond shouts " ah come on get up attack me! You've on!y suffered the loss of your legs summon up your familiars, transform your body heal your severed legs and stand, the evenings still so young" with that Alucard crushes the blonds leg he had "Come on, hurry hurry hurry, pull yourself together the fun has just begun, come on hurry!" The blond looks at him terrified, ha this is so amusing I sure have missed these times with Alucard. The blonds screams " monster! " Me and Alucard look shocked but I quickly recover and look at him giving him a deadly glare even though he's looking at Alucard I can tell he feels my glare as he shivers. How dare he insult my mate like that I want to rip him to shreds!

Alucard fades his power a little "so I see you for what you really are, your pathetic nothing but a useless sniffling bunch of meat" "shut up! Your nothing but the healing family toy a dog for the church of England not even fit to call himself a pub-" I had enough of him insulting my mate that I grab his hair and pull him backwards hard "Silence!" I scream " how dare you insu-" he shouts cutting me off "you...your no better the last werewolf on nothing but a leash calling herself the wolf queen your not fit to be called that!, Your nothing more than a mutt and useless dog that isn't even fit to call her self a werewolf your-" Alucard then shouts in pure rage "Silence!" He starts to summon Baskerville " we're dogs? Then your nothing more than dog food" I smirk at this and let the blond go and watch as he is devoured his blood going everywhere as I watch in pure amusement, ha nothing but a useless piece of dog food.

"Is that really all you had such a shame I over estimated you as a vampire, you were just a pathetic piece of shit now your nothing but dog shit" I laugh as I walk over to him and cuddle into his side as he wraps an arm around my waist absorbing the blood. "The one upstairs didn't seem like much but their having more trouble with him than I would have expected, come my queen" we turn around and start walking towards our room "yes my king"

This indeed was proof that this was the beginning of something of what I have yet to know but I know all the answers will be revealed and I know that we all will be ready for it for we are hellsing, he is the no life king and I am his no life queen and we are always ready for anything.

Okay I finally managed to get this out am sorry that it isn't as long as the others as this was me finishing the episode off i feel that this chapter isn't as good as the others but it has what I envisioned so I am still glad and I hope that you enjoy thank you all for reading and for the people who support me and add my story thank you.

Twilight (Alucard x oc) Hellsing Ultimate FanficWhere stories live. Discover now