Chapter 9 The start of the War

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Andrea P.O.V
I watch smirking from behind Seras as she shoots all the missiles down I give a slow clap and I hear pip in the head piece "Twenty-four for twenty-four, ma chere your knew equipment is nothing to scoff at the Harkonnen 11 30-millimetre semi-automatic cannon maximum range four kilometres gross weight, 345 kilos we're pulling out all the stops against these Krauts aren't we ma chere" I roll my eyes at him as seras answers him "Mr Bernadotte would you please stop calling me 'ma chere"? I have a name and it's seras" I shake my head as I hear him laugh "apologies ma chere tell me can you and Miss Andrea see London right now?" I keep a close eye on the zeppelin as they continue to talk but I still listen in as they do "of course"

I hear pip exhale "Piccadilly circus, soho and convent garden are nothing but ashes the London we knew is gone replaced with this here I can't stand London never could it always seemed like such a stuffy town we never saw eye-to-eye ol' London and me but the boys would always drag me out to this one cabaret the beer was cold, and tasty which is good because the only thing dumber than a bartender were those jokes of his or we'd go whoring at this cathouse filled with the ugliest girls you've ever seen but you know they were all nice to us and they had the saddest eyes"

I sigh as pip continues to speak but I keep watching the zeppelin it keeps getting closer but my smirk grows sinister as seras readies her gun "now ma chere target the enemy dreadnaught! Fire upon my mark!" I laugh "you have this seras shoot them down into the pits if hell!" I continue laughing, yes! This is just like old times oh I can't wait to slaughter them all. My laughter grows as I watch the zeppelin heading straight for us, I hear pip telling us to get out of here but I ignore him watching seras pull out Harkonnens incendiary grenades I continue to ignore pip as I speak "seras blast those bastards out of the sky" seras shouts out "Yes mistress!" She fires them straight at the zeppelin the force blowing my hair back a sinister smile on my face as the zeppelin goes down.

It's not over yet knowing those bastards this isn't over. I look at the zeppelin and smirk it seems I was right. I hear the wild geese celebrating but seras interrupts them "we're not done!" "You heard her ladies don't call it a night yet!" I hear pip yell. My smirk grows more as I see a certain figure at the front line that I haven't seen for so long. Oh yes things have gotten even more interesting. I hear pip telling seras to fall back and reload but she quickly turns to me "mistress are you coming?" I keep looking forward "I will come shortly seras just go for know" "yes mistress!" I smirk watching that pathetic lot run and blow up on the land mines I speak smirking "mr Bernadotte am impressed that was a very smart idea" I hear him reply "why thank you Miss Andrea I do like to plan ahead" I chuckle as I continue to loom forward.

I smirk as I watch a giant Zorin Blitz appear and I start laughing as it comes up to the mansion looking through the windows but I know this isn't real as she swings her scythe down I stay where I am knowing it won't do any real harm. I slowly walk forward to the edge of the roof and pull my gun off my back and use my sight to spot Zorin and smirk as I start firing at her past the stupid giant and I soon manage to hit her and the giant starts to disappear as the illusion breaks I hear seras below me "the illusions gone how?" I speak causing her to look up through the window towards me "simple you hit the bitch that cast the illusion and the illusion will break be sure to remember that" "Right! Of course!"

I hear the vampires break in and watch them run in front of the mansion and I start firing at them until most make it inside so I run down to go inside and start firing at all the vampires soon I smirk as I see they have surrounded me and speak "your fools thinking you stood a chance against me your all pathetic" I put my gun back on my back and pull out my daggers as I give a sinister smirk and charge forward jumping up and forward as I start slashing and stabbing at everything that I saw.

I keep walking through the corridors but I then hear gun fire and head towards it but as I was I hear seras cry out so I start running towards them as I see that Zorin Botch about to strike seras so I run faster and block her strike with my dagger and use my strength to throw her back. Zorin looks at me in anger "it's the bitch who shot me your dead!" I start to laugh out loud " oh you pathetic excuse for a vampire you can't even harm me now Die!" I charge forward and start slashing as she dodges I keep advancing until I send her flying back I watch as she stands looking pissed but I charge forward and shift in the air into my wolf and start clawing and slashing at her.

I soon can feel seras' power rise so I give a wolf grin and jump back landing beside her and speaks to her through her head "Seras Victoria" she looks at me as I slowly start to turn back and start speaking out loud "well done you are know a proper vampire now give this bitch hell for what she has done" seras glares at Zorin "yes mistress" I smirk as I watch her run forward and tear them all the shreds as Zorin is know at the back seras soon reaches her and grabs her face Zorin starts to punch her but seras rips her fingers off with her teeth. I smirk with my arms crossed watching everything that happens before me. "Even if I were about to die I wouldn't drink a single god damn drop of your evil blood! I don't want you inside of me!" I continue to watch everything before me.

I start clapping as seras walks towards us "well done seras am so proud" I smirk but soon frown feeling sorry for her as she stairs at pips dead body I walk forward facing the same direction as I place a hand on her shoulder she silently turns to me as I drop my hand and give a slight nod as she says to the men "we're heading out" "heading out? But where is there to go?" "He told me ... to drink him in... so that we could win this fight and know I think the captain and I are only getting started" I smile at her statement. "I-inside...? Right here ... captain... this guy s where you made you last stand you're dead but your not gone cause your inside of that girl" as he was speaking me and seras started walking away but he called out "one last thing" they saluted seras as we turned and I smiled at that "Thanks Sir" "Sir!" And with that we left taking off into the sky.

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