Chapter 10 Andersons bad decision

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Andrea P.O.V

As me and Seras head towards Sir Integra we see her surrounded by Anderson and his men so we quickly jump into action and knock them all away from her and land beside her on guard to stop anyone from getting close or harming her.

I hear those ideates call our names out "Seras! and Andrea!" "Seras Victoria and Andrea the wolf queen" I glare at them and step forward with my daggers out. i hear Seras address Sir Integra "you alright Sir Integra? any injuries?" I smirk as she replies "I am adequate hows the headquarters?" I keep looking at those surrounding us as seras replies "we were attacked by enemy soldiers we managed to kill them all but the mansion had been destroyed and mr Bernadotte he is dead sir" I sigh at this as i hear the pain in her voice i then hear Sir integra "yes i see you drank from mr Bernadotte didn't you you've finally become a vampire" my smirk grows at this as seras speaks happily "yes i have" i see those ideots whip their guns out as i growl at them raising my daggers up ready to defend until i hear Anderson telling them to stand down "stand down even with both of your power combined those girls are way to much for you to handle Andrea the werewolf queen you keep up to our legacy and reputation well and Seras Vicotira the vampire ive got to say your starting to become such a fearsome creature" I lower my daggers a little as Seras replies "yes father and i am getting stronger all the time i dont think ill be afraid of anything ever again" "Its as if your eyes have become windows to a bottomless abyss its striking considering how human you look otherwise"

I gasp as my smile grows I feel him he is near so he has returned i look towards the way i feel him and keep my smirk i feel it and i can tell the others do as well i hear anderson "hehe this is fantastic it all comes crashing down" oh he is so right it will all come crashing down and i can not wait to witness this all oh i am so excited i can not wait for this to truly start.

I am still smirking as we move to the rooftop of a building and watch as Alucard, Alexander and some German man have a three way stand facing each other. I stand behind Sir Integra on the opposite side if seras as my smirk turns sinister as Alucard speaks "my lord and master Integra Helsing give me your orders!" I listen with my smirk widening giving me a deranged look "Alucard take heed here are your orders your silver gun shall stain the white army Crimson, your iron gun shall stain the black army Scarlett I would know ,y foes by the stains of red you leave upon their chests now search and destroy search and destroy run them down do not let any of them leave the island alive!" "My master it shall be done as you command" "release control art restriction 0 announce your return say the words and release your full power now!" After sir Integra said that I throw my head back letting out a crazed laugh as I hear him "I am the bird of Hermes" Yes! Yes! Yes! It has been so long! Oh the sight of this will be something unforgettable as I think this I am still laughing "here stand it the bird of Hermes eating my own wings!" At this I keep my deranged look but stop laughing as I watch what happens.

I watch as the enemies attack him but I know this won't do anything to harm him. I continue to watch as everything happens and the souls coming as a large wave. I hear Sir Integra as she speaks "that is the true face of the Vampire Alucard for blood is the currency of the soul the vesicle of life blood is the medium by which life can be transferred to drink blood is to take the essence of a soul into one's self you understand the full ramifications of this know don't you seras?" I smirk at her answer "yes" I continued to watch it all as it happens but I get excited as I see his true form it has been so long since I seen this form and with it brings great destruction.

We go to the ground as we stand in front of Alucard who kneels down and sir Integra speaks "my count you have returned" Alucard lifts his head and speaks in his accent "at your pleasure my lady" I smirk standing beside Sir Integra as Seras speaks nervously "hi... it's really nice to have you back master" I shake my head laughing as she continues about his moustache. Alucard stands and pats her head "yes seras my seras Victoria" I smile at the two. Alucard then turns to me and takes my hand bringing it to his lips as he speaks "my Queen my dear Andrea" I smile at him "my king you have returned to me" he stares into my eyes "always my queen" oh how he makes my heart swell I don't know where I would be without this man he is indeed my world my everything.

Suddenly out moment is ruined as Alexander Anderson appears and attacks Alucard who draws his sword and reflects the attack causing him to fall back slightly and as he lands Alucard speaks "nicely done my nemesis" "I am a servant of God an agent of Devine punishment on earth I am called upon to cut away the flesh of infadels and remove from the earth and all those would defy God" I glare at Anderson as he says this, this man really knows how to piss me off.

I watch as the men fight each other Alucard soon returns to his current form as they continue to fight i stay close as they continue as Alucard uses the souls he's consumed to block some of the attacks from Anderson, I walk and stand right behind Alucard as Anderson Fights the souls soon he stands and breathes heavily as Alucard speaks "what's the matter Christian? Your dragon is waiting!" I smirk at this as I speak up "your bruised and bleeding your arm is merely hanging on by a few strands of meat what are you going to do will you die like a dog or on your feet like a true man?" As I said this I move to stand beside Alucard as we both smirk down at Anderson.

Anderson answers me "what does it matter Vamlure and wolf" he then bites his arm continuing "do you think a cut on my arm will stop me now shut up and come at me! Come on fight me! Hurry hurry" I smirk at this oh he truly is something else I'll give him that. I then hear Alucard "excellent... humans are such fascinating creatures" hmm I'll agree with that they true are intriguing. Alucard summons more souls in front of us and Anderson runs forward attacking them with one arm still on his mouth I continue to watch this very amused at everything going on.

I glare as Anderson's soldiers appear saving him, I roll my eyes at them and watch as they charge forward together fighting the souls even going as far as to blow themselves up to kill the souls as I glare at them, these people are truly pathetic it makes me sick to see this. They soon reach us as I still stand beside Alucard and he speaks up "you stand before me and my queen am impressed am impressed iscariot show me more Alexander Anderson!" I watch as Anderson pulls out a wooden box wrapped in bandages "you are not the only one who carries a mighty weapon vampire" hmm what is in that thing I wonder I've never seen it before I then hear Alucard "so is this the toy that's going to defeat me?"

I watch as he brakes the box and I growl glaring at the nail that is revealed as I hear Alucard "a nail shroud of Turin the holy grail the lance of Longinus should I assume you are threatening me with the last of the holy artifacts of Rome" I growl more at Anderson "oh yes" I can't believe this and agree with what Alucard says next "it still smells of blood and miracle the nail of Helena" it does indeed smell like that.

My glare hardens as Anderson aims it at his own heart "prepair!" Alucard calls out "Anderson stop it ! Do you know what that thing will do to you you'll become on of gods monsters maintain your humanity don't succumb to power either side it amounts the same deal weather in the name Devine or demonic your still a monster non the end do you intend to use that scrap of metal to become nothing but a scrap of miracle yourself this duel between us would you really push it this far into the realms that lay beyond mortal life a monster such as myself a creature of such weakness that I could not bear the weight of a human life if I am to be defeated it must be by a human"

I look at Anderson with a sad look as I step forward and say "Don't do it human don't become a monster a monster like us" Anderson looks at us as he answers" I want nothing more than to be the hand of god I would have been happy to been born a stone or a Devine threat a mighty explosion or even a terrible hurricane a Devine force of nature without a heart or pity and if this relic could transform me into such a thing then I am happy to abandon my humanity" I watch in shock as he pierced his heart.

I glare as I watch him hearing Alucard "you fool!" I follow behind Alucard as he walks down towards Anderson and we stop at the bottom and I stay behind him as I watch in anger as they attack each other and as Anderson turns into thorns and I am disgusted by what he had done.

There is no hope for him now he had made a fools choice the only way way to turn him to ash is by gouging out the hatred that lies within his heart. Anderson I'd know no longer mortal but a hideous monster like us he may have had a chance to beat us as a mortal but like this he no longer can do there is only one thing that can be done. We have to kill Alexander Anderson.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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