Chapter Four The Valentine Brothers

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I smile as I stand beside Seras as she says "Walter what the hell is this...Thing!" at this i laugh as she refers to the coffin in front of us. oh my she sure is not happy about this "that thing your referring to is a coffin" I laugh more oh my he sure hasn't changed. Seras moves closer to Walter as he looks uncomfortable with the movement "I know why is there a coffin in my bedroom?" "uh oh its here on orders from sir Integra we cant have a vampire who doesn't sleep in a coffin so there you are" i start laughing at the stair down their having as they speak "what have you done with my bed?" at this Walter clicks his shoes together and jumps back as he says "I had it disposed of, of course" with that he bows. Oh my she really hates the idea of sleeping in the coffin i feel a little bad for her but its better for her to accept it and sleep in the coffin. suddenly she screams then shouts "WALTER!" i smirk at this oh my poor Walter is getting all the blame. As she is growling at him he speaks "fine if it helps the orders where confirms by Alucard and Andrea themselves" at this she looks shocked "Master, Mistress" I stand beside Seras know as Walter continues "Yes since your still refusing to drink blood like a proper vampire you'll slowly become weaker you must know sleep in a coffin filled with the soil of your birth place this smallest of concessions is the only way to keep up your strength" at this she turns to me as i nod "he is correct Seras you must do this" then she faces forward with her head down " I take it your still feeling uncomfortable with this situation" even so she must do this.

I see Alucard walk in and stand at the door "your an Idiot" at this i say "oh your awake" at the same time Seras says "Master?" he continues to speak "you chose the night once you've turned your back on the light of day all the sunlight should ever mean to you is smoldering pain and a slow death" at this it goes quiet, Alucard smirks and starts walking forward as Walter gives a small bow and walks off to the side and when he gets to the side with a case he speaks "good evening Alucard i have something special i was hoping to show you" Oh i wonder what it is. Alucard walks over and opens the case as i come over and grab onto his arm and also look in the case to see a gun. Alucard asks "whats this?" and he picks up the gun...."A jackle a custom 13 mm anti freak combat pistol it fires custom bad rounds far more powerful than the 4-54 castle rounds your used to 39 cm long 16 kg in weight 6 rounds per magazine the jackle has more fire power than any human can be expected to handle" waw that's a pretty impressive gun Alucard asks "and the rounds?" "13 mm explosive shells" "casings?" "pure Macedonian silver" oh my, i let go and step away to be away from that and scrunch my face up dam better be careful not to touch those rounds "and the tips? explosive or mercury?" "mercury tips only the best" as he puts the rounds back in i let out a sigh. Alucard turns and smirks and me then turns to Walter "its perfection Walter" "I am pleased that your pleased sir" "i best this beauty could even stop father Anderson dead in his tracks" I sigh "well please be careful with those rounds near be i prefer not to get burned" he turns to me "of course my dear i would never dream of harming you" I smile and nod.

As Seras was jumping around Alucard Walter turns to me "Ah Andrea i also have a few things for you as well" Hm? I wonder what it is. As he shows me two cases a long one on the bottom and a small on top i open the small one and i look at them shocked "oh my what beautiful daggers" at this i capture both Seras and Alucard's attention as Walter explains and i pick them up "these are Lineage and legacy twin daggers both 12 inches long both made from pure Iron the edges are sharped to the finest point making them very sharp to cut through almost anything. they have both been blessed thus i have had put protective wrap on the handles so you do not get harmed and they are also light to ensure better agility" at this i smirk and start testing them out by doing fighting moves. these are absolutely brilliant i look over to Walter "they are brilliant Walter" he nods "I am pleased that you are pleased with them now shall we look at the other thing i have got for you" I smile and nod and attach the daggers to my belt as i open the other case and my smirk grows as i pull out the riffle "oh my Walter you sure know how to spoil a girl" and this i see him smirk "Yes this is CheyTac M200 Intervention sniper rifle called retribution as well as an impressive 2 122 meter range the length being 1 400 mm, with 7 rounds this weapon is one of the strongest sniper rifles but it hardly ever used" (Small note i am clueless when it comes to guns so this is all information taken off a website) I smirk as i look at the gun in my hands then placing it and clipping it to my back, the weight doesn't bother me due to me being a werewolf. "thank you Walter both the daggers and gun are truly amazing" "I am happy to hear that you are pleased" i then had Seras jumping around me saying how impressive they were and then Alucard spoke "Impressive and good you have weapons now" I look at him and smirk nodding. "Miss Seras Victoria I believe i have something special for you as well" (Okay am skipping explaining Seras weapon or well be here for ever)

Soon after as we are standing there Walter receives a call informing us all that the estate was under attack. Oh my these people have made a grave mistake attack here because ill ensure that none of them leave here alive. Soon we receive a call and Walter answers and all i hear are Walter's answers "Miss Victoria's room in the sub-basement I've already been brought up to speed on the situation outside communications have been cut off so i wouldn't expect reinforcements for at least 4 hours maybe 5 in the mean time our current forces have been ordered to defend the conference room with their lives" he then goes silent as i am guessing Integra is talking then continues "well for starters please fortify to door to the conference room i propose that we divide Alucard, Seras and Andrea into two teams one team will provide defence for you there, the other will go on offence, how does that sound?" He goes silent as sir Integra talks I think. Then he says " How did you get to Alucard in the basement 10 years ago" that catches my attention, I wonder what happend. Walter continues "correct please wait a little while we'll be there momentarily very well then" as he goes to put the phone down it automatically changes to speaker phone and we hear Sir Integra "Walter... They are my people this I will not forgive! There must not be even one left standing"

After sir Integra said this Walter crosses his arms as his wires flashed he says "most certainly not, sir integra" at this my smirk grows as Alucard says "are we about to witness the return of Walter angle of death" I can't help but give a small laugh " oh how I would love to see that happen again" after I said this Seras says confused "um, what are you talking about?" Alucard replies before I can " you'll soon know" I smirk at Walters next sentence "an old man and a rookie together that should count as one, right" Alucard turns and grabs my hand "looks like we can have a little fun this time" with this we leave. Oh how i can't wait to rip them to shreds.

And I will make sure they pay because I may have not been here for 10 years but hellsing used to no sorry still is and I will not let anyone cause any type of harm to it no matter what.
Okay I want to apologise for not updating but I do have my reasons as I have got a job so I have been a bit busy but I promise to try and update more anyway please let me know what you think of my story so far and comment and please vote okay bye for know.

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