Chapter Three Ever Lasting Love

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Quick note I would like to apologize since i had had a rough few weeks and i was unable to update for this i am sorry

Andrea P.O.V
I turn to the blond chick that called out as Alucard spoke "Police girl this is Andrea my lover, my mate and your Mistress so you better treat her right" I see her nod "yes master it is a pleasure to meet you my mistress" I nod to her "pleasure to meet you as well um..." she quickly catches on to what am asking "ah Seras Victoria mistress" I nod again. I then turn back to Alucard and stair into his eyes through his glasses. I reached up and removed his glasses, staring deep into his blood red eyes. I never want to look away. I can't believe how happy I am to finally be back in his arms by his side again. "um hehe sorry to interrupt master and mistress but maybe we should be heading back now" both me and Alucard turn to her and Alucard speaks first "yes I guess your right police girl, here my wolf let me help you out that coffin" with that he picks me up and sets me down outside the coffin beside him, "thank you my love" with that we start to walk out of the old abandoned church as i hold my dear lovers hand and Seras walks behind us.

I smile as i stair up at the old mansion. I am back i am finally back hello once again hellsing. "welcome back my love" i turn to Alucard and smile "its good to be back" i turn to him still smiling. its good to finally be back and no longer in that coffin i couldn't be any more happy to be free once again. With that last thought we start to walk to the building. As we walk through i remember all of the times i was here previously and my smile grows.

Soon we reach the door and walk in and i see a woman at the desk and beside her, I gasp as the man stairs at me shocked and i smile as i say "Walter oh its so good to see you" I walk forward as he snaps out of it and smiles coming forward "Ah Andrea its been too long" My smile as i hug him "oh it has indeed" When i part i turn to the young woman who was staring at us confused as she speaks "what is this who are you?" hm this cant be who i think it is can it? as i go to speak Alucard beats me to it "Master this is Andrea my mate, A werewolf and a worker for the hellsing organisation she was one of their secret weapons back in the day until she was sealed away by your father, she was the one in the church sealed away in a coffin" I am shocked so it is her she turns to me as i speak "greetings my master" she nods "Hello I am Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and from now on you are under my order understood?" She is just like him, I nod "Clearly Master" she nods "good you are all dismissed then" with that i gave Walter one last hug as we all walk out and leave.

After that Seras leave to her room and Alucard takes me down to our old room in the basement, i smile, it hasn't changes a single bit "you haven't changed it at all" i turn and look at him smiling and he smirks "of course i haven't my dear" My smile grows as he pulls me over to his throne and sits down pulling me onto his lap. Nothings changed and he certainly hasn't which i couldn't be more happy about. I am so happy to be back, back at hellsing and back into the arms of my mate, my king.

As we sit there Alucard asks as he places his head between my neck and shoulder smelling my scent "Why, why did you have to leave me for so long my queen, why did you brake our promise just why" I sigh as i run my arms through his hair oh my love i never wanted to "oh my dear I never wanted to it had broke my heart to brake that promise but i was ordered to and i couldn't disobey it i am truly sorry for any pain i had caused you i really am" how this brakes my heart i never wanted to hurt him of Alucard I am truly sorry for all the pain i have caused you. He lifts his head and takes his glasses off and stairs into my eyes as he leans in his lips hovering over mine "it is alright i am just glad to know you were safe my queen" at this i smile as he kisses me. I know he said it is okay but it still pains me to think of what he must have gone through but i am happy to know we will always have an ever lasting love. As i think this i feel a bloody tear roll down my cheek as we continue to kiss.


OKAY! that is it for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed it and sorry for it not being that long the next chapter i promise it will be longer. As for the next chapter it should be out soon and i hope you enjoy it for now BYE!!!

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