Oc Info

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Name: Andrea

Nickname: Andy, Wolf girl, Mutt, My wolf, My Queen, My mate

Alias: The No Life Queen, The wolf Queen

Age: 460

Species: Werewolf

Gender: Female

Virgin: No

Personality: Andrea shows a very tough and uncaring personality most of the time but that isn't the case as Andrea does care and shows those she cares about a soft side this mainly being Alucard but Andrea can still be very blunt and sometimes forgetting peoples feelings. When fighting an enemy she can be very harsh especially if they hurt someone she cares about she will be very ruthless.

Current Residence: The Hellsing estate

Likes: The woods, Nighttime, Quiet places, Being with Alucard, Blood, Meet, reading, fighting, Training

Dislikes: Loud Obnoxious people, People being rude to her or people she cares about, People trying to prove her wrong, Idiots who think they can easily kill her

Height: 5'7

Weight: 138 lbs

Hair: White goes to her lower back left down

Eyes: Blood red

Skin Tone: Lightly tanned

-Abilities: -Immortality

-Superhuman Senses

-Superhuman Strength

-Superhuman Durability

-Superhuman Speed

-Superhuman Reflexes


-Toughened skin

-Transformation (into a werewolf)

-Advanced combat

-Sharpshooting Skills


Origin: Andrea originally lived in the woods before the second world war and this is when she met Alucard when he was sent to kill her for killing the towns people who lived beside the woods. Though the second they saw each other they knew they where mates and Alucard refused to kill Andrea telling her to come with her but Andrea didn't trust others due to being betrayed by those who she previously considered family so she refused but Alucard refused that answer saying that she'll be killed out here even if she was a werewolf so continued to convince her so she and Alucard made a deal in the end saying she'll come but she wont yet accept being mates till latter Alucard accepted this seeing it as still keeping her safe despite the fact she was a werewolf and could defend herself.

As time went on and Andrea joined Hellsing her and Alucard grew closer and closer until the night came where she accepted being his mate as they took a walk outside and she and Alucard shared their first kiss and from then on only grew closer.

Andrea also developed a close trust and friendship to Arthur Hellsing who became her master as well as Walter. She cared deeply for all three men and soon that circle grew when Arthur married a women who became her closest friend since they where the only two women in the estate.

Soon as time went on the world war had started and her, Alucard and Walter fought in the war under Arthur's orders. After the war had finished Arthur and his wife had a daughter. Soon though Arthur decided to seal Alucard away for unknown reasons and Andrea became heart broken not knowing when she would see him again and promised she would always be here but that promise was soon broken when Arthur ordered Andrea to be send away and locked away saying that he feels it would be for the best to keep her safe but Andrea said she promised Alucard she would always be there at the Hellsing estate for him but Arthur said that it was an order and that he believes that she and Alucard would be reunited one day but for know her safety had to come first as they believed she was valuable believing she was the last ever werewolf so Andrea agreed and was then send away and sealed away.

Weaknesses: Silver

Equipment/Weapons: Rifles, Twin dagger

Affiliation: Hellsing

Best Friend: Arthur's Wife

Enemies: Millennium

Twilight (Alucard x oc) Hellsing Ultimate FanficWhere stories live. Discover now