Chapter 8 A War is Delaired

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Andrea P.O.V
I sigh as I sit on top of Alucards coffin as we try and figure out how to get home "no, no way it won't work impossible" "but getting home will take an extra week by boat" pip and seres discuss and continue on "private jet it out of the question and we can't leave his big box here, can we?" I smirk as pip looks over to the box am sitting on. I suddenly feel a slight breeze and Alucard appears beside me wrapping an arm around my waist "Within this box is my own true kingdom it is where I was born, and where I will die" pip went back to slurping his juice as I try not to laugh at his expression.

Suddenly the door is kicked down I stay seated as Alexander Anderson walks in Alucard stands and they walk towards one another I roll my eyes I know exactly where this is going. I roll my eyes again as they punch each other in the face Alucard whips out his guns "I've had enough! Anderson!" I simply shake my head at this and Seras gets scared by Anderson's glare. Anderson smirks and throws a bayonet towards her at the wall with a piece of paper stuck to it. Seras fell to the fall in shock and I shake my head at this.

"The Vatican has a small private jet 13 kilometres north of here there's your release paper our people are expecting you so take it and get the hell out of here before I decide to decapitate you again" my head shoots towards him as I call out "Am sorry What?!?" He gives me a smirk and leaves I turn to look at Alucard "what on earth where you doing while I was gone?" He doesn't answer me but just gives me a smirk. I shake my head at this and go grab the paper off the wall. Seriously what was that man up to while I was sealed away why does trouble always follow him around wherever he goes seriously.

I hold onto Alucards arm as we enter the room that has the Queen, Sir Integra and everyone else in it. I smirk as Alucard speaks "we have returned to you my master" integra stairs at us then speaks "well executed my servant the Queen awaits you remove your glasses" Alucard does as he is told then places his hand on-top of mine that is wrapped around his arm and we walk towards the Queen the guards run towards us but Alucard uses his power to send them flying as I roll my eyes. Was that really necessary, we stop directly in front of the Queen "it's been a very long time Vampire come closer let me look at you" I let go of Alucard and take a step back as he bows down onto his knees and the Queen places both hands on his cheeks "all these years and you haven't aged a day Alucard unfortunately times march has not been as kind to me can you believe how quickly I became an old woman?" "I still see the same spirited young woman I met 50 years ago your majesty in fact to my eyes time has made you even more beautiful your highness" I smile at this.

The Queen then looks over in my direction "Ah werewolf it has also been a very long time come here let me see you" I walk forward and bow beside Alucard the Queen then places her hands in my cheeks "ah Andrea just the same as I remember, your still the young beautiful girl I met all those years ago nothing has changed yet here I am growing old" I smile as I lean into her touch "your majesty to me you are much more beautiful than I, I envy you I wish I could grow and look just like you do" I look into her eyes as I smile seeing her smile back as she lets go of my face chuckling.

"Proceed with your report vampire" The Queen orders Alucard and we both rise standing turning to face the rest of the room as Alucard Begins "Fifty-five years ago a deranged Nazi Major, attempted to breed a vampire army" I give a wicked smirk as I remember the past, oh I remember that back then it was so fun destroying them all with Alucard and Walter. Alucard keeps talking "Walter, Andrea and I laid waste to their operation" I follow Alucard Down the steps and he keeps talking "However, it seems they simply refuse to die. They've returned replenished their numbers and are ready to complete their original mission that's what millennium truly is. The last 'Last Battalion'" I give a sinister smirk at all their shocked faces.

Before anything else is said a voice speaks up "I guess Mr Tubalcain's filthy blood must have given us away" i stair at the boy at the door as I glare at him "The Major sure blew that one" I watch as some people pull out their guns but I don't and cross my arms "I'm just the messenger I'm not here to fight anyone" he walks forward as he speaks, Sir integra speaks up "Explain this" "my deepest apologies ma'am I don't know how he got past security" replied Walter, I keep my eyes fixed on this boy the whole time as he walked right up to the table and placed down a TV? what is going on here what is he up to? He speaks after placing the TV down "They are useless against me I'm everywhere, and nowhere Hmm why does that saying sound so familiar like I've heard it before "stop it" I look up from my thoughts to see the boy staring at seras then saying "Guten tag" I watch seras get embarrassed then hear her mumbling "Guten tag" which I roll my eyes at.

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