Chapter 6 Is this the beginning?

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OKAY to begin i know people hate authers notes but I cant help it WE REACHED 3K READS!! am so happy !!! i know you might not want to hear it and people get annoyed with hearing it but thank you so much and i have good new i have a laptop so i dont need to write in the book first so i can hopefully upload more but am afraid no promises and i have also started working on a few other new storys but i will only publish one so ill leave a list down soon for you to vote on which one you want to see anyway enjoy!.

Andrea P.O.V 

I look down as i sit on Sir integra's desk with my arms crossed, i listened as Walter spoke "out of the 96 members of the hellsing organization head quarters in London only ten are left 8 of which are only alive because they were away at the time of the attack excluding them, the only survivors of this ordeal are myself and you sir integra" As integra spoke i decided to lift my head and look at her, "What about Alucard, seras and Andrea are you ne ot forgetting about them?" "i didn't include them since they're already dead sir" Integra turned to me confused, well i am not surprised since most werewolf's do have a beating heart, I smirk anyway as i speak remembering the past "it is true werewolf's have beating hearts but since i am alucards mate he has bitten me stopping my heart therefor i am still a werewolf but with vampires venom running through my veins" sir integra looks shocked and then speaks "yes of course"

She throws some papers on the desk "is there any word yet on millennium?" "We solicited the resources of the British intelligent service as well as the national public safety composition and so far as to rummage through the unsorted book stacks at the British museum, internationally we discovered 7 occult and military enthusiastic around japan, france and the united states including a star wars related club in Los Angeles"  

Okay what is star wars is my main thought could it be something new to this age i haven't heard about or what? I think Sir integra had the same thoughts as me or similar "Star wars?" "the millennium falcon its the name of Hans solos ship" "so what your telling me is we have no leads at all" "My apologies mam at this point the only thing we know is its definition, the span of 1000 years" Hmm that sounds a lot like Hitlers Germany old goal to me could this be the start of something very entertaining or am i getting my hopes up i do wonder but i cant help but smirk at the thought so i decide to speak up.

"Know that is something" both sir integra and walter turn to me confused and walter asks "yes?" I stand up and walk around to the side of the desk my smirk still clearly visible on my face "Why dont you remember walter the empire of the Millennium the order that sought a thousand year kingdom and plunged an entire planet into a world war" both walter and sir integra look at me shocked as i place a hand on my waist and use the other to push my hair of giving a sinister smile as i continue "Hitlers Germany the millennium order of the third right"

Time skip

I smirk as i decide to stand in the corner of the room and observe everything that is going on. After sir integra spoke to these wild geese fellas the hole ordeal with seras being a vampire started, Oh my these people really are fools i wonder if we can really trust them to help us, Well i guess it does help the have people here to guard the place while we are away and if they really didnt believe in monsters then why would their idiotic captain accept the damn job then.

I look over and see sir integra look over and spot me then smirk and speak outloud "Thats not all gentlemen i also present to you the last of her kind a genuine werewolf" she points over to me and they all turned to me shocked so i grin and walk closer to them and their captain walks closer to me and stairs at me i feel my ears twitch at his stair "you have ear wait are you really a werewolf?" I smirk and go to speak but before i can someone else does.

"Damn right she is, she may be the last of her kind but is still one of the strongest werewolf to ever exist and is the werewolf queen herself and now the vampire queen Andrea!" They all look at me shocked and some i can tell are slightly scared so i smirk at this as Alucard continues "and the police girl may be the lowest of the low but a vampire is still a vampire" I watch as i finishes phasing through the wall and walk up behind me "What a pathetic bunch of sniveling cowards you really think they will be of any use to us" as he is right behind me i feel him wrap an arm around my waist, my smirk grows funny he wasn't supposed to come here in case he scared them and yet here he is but its funny because i was expecting him to do this anyway.

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