Chapter Two Found at last

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Alucards P.O.V

I remember the day i was released, the day i had met sir Integra, the day I once again saw Walter and the day i had found out about the broken promise. She had promised to be there when i had come back, promised to never leave but where was she know then, that i do not know. I had asked Walter but all he told me that Arthur was had sealed her away, where he says he doesn't know and i believe him i can tell he doesn't know, so the question is where is she my love, my no-life queen, my wolf, my mate Andrea. Where is she? and why did she agree after the promise she had made me, why? i do not know nor do i understand but i swear i'll be with her again, I'll find her no mater how long it takes.

I smirk as i walk into my masters office with Police girl, she sits at her desk with Walter beside her and sighs and begins speaking "It appears that a church is housed to a creature or that what the local say, apparently the church this so called creature was sealed in the church years ago and since then not a single soul has set foot inside normally i wouldn't care about stupid rumours like these but it appears that the Iscariot has taken an interest and had sent some of their men there to discover what resides there but this is our tough so i order you go there and find out what resides in that damn church" I smirk "As you wish master" with that i leave with police girl following.

I smirk as i look at the church. "Boy this place gives me the creeps it looks like no one been here in years" I walk ahead as i say "It would appear so which makes this place perfect for a creature trying to stay hidden" with that i am inside but no one is around. I look around with police girl and i get this weird feeling hmm what is this feeling i wonder. "Oh look there's a basement maybe their down there" I smirk as we head down. When we get to the bottom i see that damn Alexander who is standing in front of a coffin, know why would a coffin be down here hidden away. I smirk as i say "well look who it is Alexander" at this he turns smirking "well if it isn't the vampire Alucard and yer Draculina what are ye doin here" I smirk "I could ask you the same question" he smirks "am here for whats in the coffin" My smirk grows "Oh do you even know whats in there" he smirks "Ay a dirty heaven like yer self" I smirk "well am afraid that your on our land so that creature belongs to us" he smirks wider "I don't think so this is a catholic church meaning what ever is inside here belongs to us know if you don't mind i have killing to do"

I smirk as i pull out my gun and shoot him saying "afraid not" with that me and Alexander start fighting.

Seras P.O.V

As my master starts fighting with Alexander i get curious, I wonder whats in that coffin it can't hurt to look can it? i sneak passed my master and Alexander and i grab the lid of the coffin and open it. I gasp when i see this beautiful women instead but covered in dust. oh my she looks so peaceful i wonder if she is also a vampire or if she is something else, she cant be a human because with all that dust on her she's obviously been here for years so her body would have decomposed if she was a human. Hmm i should tell master but he's busy know so what should i do. I look as see master and Alexander facing each other smirking, I guess i should ask what to do but before i do they start fighting again. master stands with his back to me and i see as he gets stabbed and i gasp.

No ones P.O.V

Once Alucard was stabbed no one had noticed the blood that landed on the girls cheek slowly get absorbed into her skin. as Seras watched her master fight, nor she, Alucard or Alexander noticed the woman's eyes slowly start to open revealing a beautiful set of blood red eyes. Seras has turned back to the woman but screamed shocked that her eyes where open causing Alucard and Alexander to turn to her but they where unable to see what was inside the coffin so Alucard asked "what is it police girl?" Seras stammers saying " a g...girl..but...she..shes awake" at this the woman sat up making Seras jump back and at the same time it made Alucard freeze recognising the woman straight away and he said "Andrea?" cause Seras and Alexander to become confused and have the woman look at him and gasp "Al...Alucard?"

Andrea's P.O.V

I woke had woken up seeing this blond haired girl standing looking away from me but turned to me and screamed seeing me awake i heard a voice which sounded very familiar say "what is it police girl?" Then the woman above me stammers saying " a g...girl..but...she..shes awake" after she said this i decided to sit up and see how many other people where here but before i could look around i heard the familiar voice again say "Andrea?" I look towards them confused on how they had known my name but i gasp shocked "Al...Alucard?" i ask shocked to see him.

He walks straight over to me and places his hand on my cheek and i place my hand on his so happy to see him "oh Alucard i missed you" I see him smirk "My wolf how i missed you i-" he was suddenly stabbed from the man behind him and i gasp shocked and Alcuard turns and glares at him and says "wait here my wolf i will be back" with that he started fighting the other man but soon they realised non were winning the know so the blond had left but not before throwing one of his blades at me which i easily dodged.

One it was clear that the man was gone Alucard and walked back over to me wrapping his arms around me "my wolf, my mate oh how I've missed you" I wrapped my arms around him "oh i have missed you as well my king" He looked me in the eyes "Tell me why didn't you stay like you said?" i sigh "I was ordered to be sealed her by Arthur i had no other choice but to listen" he nodded "I under stand i am just happy to be holding you again" i smiled at him then the blond haired girl spoke "wait what on earth is going on here?"

Alucard's P.O.V

Finally at last i have found her My wolf, My Queen, My mate I have finally found you at last and i wont ever let you go again


Finally the two were reunited after so many years anyway please again tell me what you think and leave a comment and please vote if you like this story anyway i hope you enjoyed the chapter of the story.

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