Chapter one Goodbye but not forever

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Andrea P.O.V

I stair shocked as i listen to Arthur "Am sorry but i think it is best if we seal away Alucard until the time is right am sorry but Alucard this is an order, I order you to remain sealed away until the next head of Hellsing releases you and requires your aid" I turn to Alucard as he nods "As you order master" at this i gasp shocked "wait what your just going to agree to this i don't understand, why?! why must he be sealed away?!" I turn to Arthur as i raise my voice as he sighs. I feel an arm on my shoulder and look and see its Alucards, Arthur then speaks "I am truly sorry Andrea but it is for the best i will leave you two along to say good bye" with this him, His wife who is holding their daughter and Walter all walk out. 

I hear Alucard sigh "I am sorry but i must do as our master orders" Why, why must he agree so willingly to this at this i feel a wet substance run down my face, I'm crying oh well it doesn't matter know. I turn and face Alucard and look him in the eye as i say "But how can agree so willingly to this to be sealed away to leave me" He looked at me and placed both hands on my cheeks and wiped away my blooded tears "I am sorry my mate but i believe that Arthur has his reasons and i trust him completely but i will always be here in the estate i'll still be with you just not beside you until the time is right" I nodded "OK i trust you" He smirked and leaned down and passionately kissed me as i returned it with ll of my love. I spoke making a promise that i so desperately wanted to keep "I promise you this Alucard i will remain here, I will never leave, I promise i will be here when you return no matter what" I hear him chuckle and say "I know you will my love and i'll look forward to the day i am able to see you again" I smile as we kiss probably for the last time in a very long time.

I sigh as i sit there, Alucards been sealed away i know i am not truly alone but i will miss him dearly oh how i already crave for the day that he will be released. I hear the door open and i look and see Arthur's wife who is also my best friend walk over to me and say "I know it hurts know but you'll be together again someday but am afraid there is more bad news" I look at her confused but before i can ask what she meant Arthur and Walter walked in and Arthur spoke "Andrea am afraid i have one final order for you" I look at him confused but i still nod and he looked at me sad then spoke "I feel it is for the best but i order you to be send away and sealed away until you are found and then you must return to Hellsing am i clear" I stair shocked as i quickly rise "but i can't i promised Alucard i would wait here for him" He sighs "I am sorry Andrea this is an order you must follow am i clear" I cant believe this i am already braking my promise oh Alucard i am so sorry. I slowly nod my head as Arthur sigh "I am sorry Andrea but i believe it is for the best i am going to personally take you to where you will be sealed and no on but me shall know your location am i clear?" I slowly nod my head as he nods back and walks out.

I look up at the old church we are at and Arthur speaks "I believe this will be the safest place for you come" I nod and he leads me inside the church but then down to the basement where a beautiful white coffin lay with the side of it purple and the lid off to the side, the coffin was facing towards the door where we stood. I felt Arthur pace his hand on my shoulder "this is where you will remain inside this coffin until you are set free only by a droplet of blood touching at least your skin can you be awoken from your slumber am i understood"  I nod and walk over and lay in the coffin as Arthur walked over to me and i grabbed his hand and i say "Arthur i know i will never see you again but please know that you were a great friend to me even after all i did in the past you had still given me a chance and for that i thank you Arthur my friend" he smiles "Thank you Andrea i wish you a great life" i smile "As i do you" with that he smiles and places his hand on my head and i slowly feel myself fall unconscious. 

No ones P.O.V

So both lovers are sealed away but not forever they may have said goodbye but not forever because their story is not finished in fact their story still has a long way to go before it is even close to being finished but when they are awoken will they still be the same people or will they have changed no one knows yet but the answers to the questions will be revealed soon.


Hello there! I really do hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story and i hope you will vote on it and leave a comment telling me what you think. 

I don't know if people will class this chapter long or short but let me know if you want longer chapters because i will try and make them longer if you want them that way. 

Anyway thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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