Respect like King's

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                                     Respect like King's

The night was dark, heavy clouds scattered across the night sky added nothing but eeriness to the atmosphere while light rain thrummed against the ground creating small puddles of loneliness. The thunder roared above and lightened the sky for a split second making the alone rackety building, standing in the middle of nowhere, lit under the shine before it drowned in the darkness once again.

Leaving it with its evil activities.

The interior of the abandoned building was similar to the spooky exterior...well.... except for the flickering lights that shimmered across at some points to locate the right path. The hallways were dim, and poorly lit while the main rooms were maintained with necessary care. Guards and men located at different spots stood dull and sluggish but still alarmed at the coming and going of their authorities whenever they pleased.

Amidst of afflicting chaos in King's life by abducting his boyfriend and oncoming child, the boss had already started to assemble King's style and the decorum of his work by commanding his men in specific ways, he wasn't the one to lack in abilities and preparations when comes to take the responsibility of a Crime lord.

And the effective way to run an unrivalled empire is to resemble the unrivalled crime lord.

Thudding loud steps of the said boss echoed through dark hallways as he power walked through one towards the other while holding a phone and a gun in his grip. He walked with a straight face, nonchalant, while Kangsu tailed behind him, a blabbering mess.

The old man seemed to ignore the roll of eyes the boss had given him more than once as he chattered what he had in his mind without a break. Having his own type of enthusiasm, thrashing out of him in the form of his words, had the old man completely oblivious of the other's uncomfortable stance walking ahead of him.

Or maybe he did know and just wanted to get on the boss's nerves?

Well....he had some nerve.

Nevertheless, the boss was irritated to his max since he was on the verge of making a note of it.

", you didn't tell me how I look with this new hairstyle?" Kangsu asked as soon as the boss pushed past the door of the main room open and entered inside with all his authoritative aura, secretly wishing that Kangsu didn't follow him.

The guards inside stood at attention, neither moved nor did they bowed instead, they kept at their place and stared at the boss with their curious eyes and the said boss didn't like that.

King's men bow at him.

"Your Majesty thinks I look cool in this colour. But he is young so his opinion doesn't matter.....all I want to know is your thoughts" Kangsu finished with a wide grin. The boss had narrowed his eyes at Kangsu after hearing those ridiculous words..... but that wasn't enough to lower the oldie's spirits.

Boss may not know Mago that well but he knew the boy wouldn't like something like Kangsu.

That liar.

"How is the boy? Has he been treated well, fed well?" he asked wanting to distract the conversation from a disturbing choice of hair colour to something important. Kangsu nodded his head with a smile, he then began to pace the room slowly as if a celebrity was inspecting things around.

'freaking clown' The boss rolled his eyes.

"He is well of course. Not the royal treatment he is used to but the boy is well fed, considering his condition, and he is comfortable so far." The older recited as if practised speech ".....but, tell me something about my new sty—..." he started again to be cut off by the boss when he raised his voice, questioning Kangsu's question.

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