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A monitor blared in my ear as I slowly surfaced from unconsciousness. The loud beeping was from a monitor off to my left, monitoring my heart rate. I groaned loudly, and moved my hand to try to cover my ears. I found that my arm was full of needles and wires.

I moved to stretch. Bad idea. White hot pins and needles raced up and down my body. I groaned again, this time from pain.

"Bennet, go get the doctor!" I heard my mom call to my dad. I heard a loud thump as dad ran into a wall on his way out the door. Mom grabbed my hand and began rubbing her thumb in circles over my knuckles.

"Mom, your putting me to sleep." I rasped. My throat hurt. It was pretty clear that it hadn't been in use much, if at all, recently.

"Sorry." She muttered, and stopped rubbing her thumb in circles. A few seconds after that, dad came back in with a doctor close on his tail.

"Hello, Avery. My name is Doctor Victor Jenkins. You can call me Victor. I'm going to ask you some questions, is that ok?" Victor asked me.

I nodded.

"Are you in pain?" Victor took out a clipboard, and pulled a pen out from the pocket in his long, white coat. It looked like the ones you'd see evil scientists wearing in older movies.

"A little." I responded. Then pins and needles feeling wouldn't go away.

"Could you elaborate for me?" He asked.

"It feels like white hot pins and needles all over my body." I explained.

"That's normal. You've been in a coma for over week now, so your blood pressure is going to be trying to get back to normal." Victor wrote down what I said anyway.

"In a coma?" I asked, looking around at my parents. They nodded in response.

"What is your name?" Victor asked. I knew what he was checking for. Brain trauma.

"Avery Jennings."

"Who is the current president?" Victor asked me after writing down what I was saying.


I saw his expression change from a casual procedure, to a Something-Might-Not-Be-Right look.

He wrote down what I said.

"What year is it?" Victor tensed, waiting for my answer.

"2015." I nervously responded.

"Avery, I don't know how to tell you the this, but it's 2018." Victor looked at me, testing my reaction. My face went blank. How could it be 2018? That meant that I couldn't remember three years of my life. I did the math in my head. That was 1095 days of my life that I couldn't remember.

"What does that mean, Victor?" My mother asked, squeezing my hand.

"She might have amnesia. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare myself for an MRI." Victor stood up and left me and my parents alone.

"Mom," I started.

"Yes, sweetie?" She replied.

"How did I end up in a coma?"

"You were in a car accident." She replied.

I paused for a second. "Mom?"

"Yes, honey?" She repeated.

"Why do I feel like someone else should be here?" I asked, trying to think of who, besides the obvious (my siblings), could be missing.

"Tyler and Chloe aren't here. They'll visit soon, though, I promise." Ellen answered right away.

"No, no, I feel like someone is missing besides them. Someone very important." I tried to explain.

Bennet and my mom shared a glance that obviously meant something. "That doesn't matter, honey. Just go back to sleep." Mom was obviously avoiding the question.

I wanted to protest, but my body was just too tired, and I quickly fell into the warm comfort of sleep.

(This isn't my best writing, I swear. Sorry, I've kind of been in a writing slump lately.)

(This isn't actually an original idea, I got it off of, from the story, The Forgotten Diary.)

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