Tyler and Chloe

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A few days after me and Karl were in that special meadow, Tyler and Chloe came home. Stan and I threw them a welcome home party, with mom and dad's help, of course. I invited Lindsay, Karl and a bunch of other people for it. Only a few showed up, the others claiming they had plans already. But it didn't matter to Tyler and Cloe. They loved it. Chloe especially spent a lot of time hanging out with Karl. I had no idea what they talked about, but Karl seemed happy, my family was happy, and I was happy. It felt nice to do something nice for my siblings. Especially since they've done so much for me, and I don't think I've ever told them that I appreciated it.

I was happier than I've been in a long time. ever since I found out that I had amnesia. It felt nice to feel complete, even if it was only for a few hours. Even after everyone left, Lindsay decided to stay the night with me to make up for me blowing her off the other day.


I woke up the next morning with TP on my leg, and a monster headache. I had had too much sugar last night. 

I threw my legs over the side of...the couch? I guess I passed out. I've never had that much sugar in a single sitting, so it made sense that my body couldn't handle it. I groaned, as my headache got worse when I stood up.

I made my way to the kitchen, on the hunt for some Advil. I found it in the medicine cabinet, and I grabbed a glass of water. I put the pill in my mouth, and used the water to help me swallow it whole. While I waited for the pill to kick in, I threw a waffle in the toaster.

The pill had numbed the feeling a little when the waffle popped out. I turned and walked back into the living room, waffle in hand, and lay back down. Turning on the television, I ate my breakfast while I watched my favorite show.  

It was about an hour later when I saw the first human I'd seen all morning. Chloe.

"Hey, Chloe, what's up?" I asked, relieved that my head ache was almost completely gone.

"Me and Tyler want to tell you something. You have to come with me." Chloe explained, grabbing my arm and jerking me up.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's all this about? What do you need to tell me?" I asked, yanking my arm free.

Chloe looked me full in the face. "We need to tell you what you've wanted to know since you first knew about him. We need to tell you the identity of your old boyfriend."

a/n: Hey, guys! Sorry for the shameless cliffy, but I had to! There is gonna be a major kick-start on a certain SOMEONE remembering something, and I wanna keep you waiting! Sorry! And sorry for such a short chapter. I just wanted to get to the point, and I didn't want distractions.

On a lesser note, I just want to tell you guys how much it means to me that you've decided to read my story and stick with it. Every time I get a comment or a vote, I get so excited! I just want you guys to know that I love all of you, and you guys are the reason I keep writing, and don't just give up and quit. Thank you.

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