Strange Conversations In The Kitchen

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I walked out of my room, silently closing the door behind me. Asking mom about the necklace seemed like a good place to start trying to get my memories back. That, and the necklace combined with the boy's voice that I heard was starting to make me think. Did I have a new guy friend that I didn't remember?

I carefully avoided to step that creaked when you stepped on it, and stepped into the living room. No one was in the room, and I knew no one was upstairs, so where was everyone? I started walking across the room when I heard Chloe yell.


The next voice was my fathers, his much quieter. So quiet, that I presses my ear to the kitchen door to hear what he said in return.

"Avery is still processing the new information. If we tell her, then she'll freak out."

Ellen chimed in. "Plus, you know how she felt about him back then. She wouldn't believe us. And even if she did, then it would be even more confusing to her."

Tyler's voice broke the silence that stretched on as they all thought about what Ellen said. "But he's hurting. You guys can't tell, but he's heart broken. His mom is out of town for the next two months doing some new competition, and he has no one to help him." Stan let out a bark. "Except Stan, but Stan's been over here comforting Avery. He's all alone, grieving and we're all too busy to help him."

The entire room was quiet.

"She'll be overwhelmed. Tell you what, if she starts remembering things about him, then we can drop hints, but until then, no one is to mention Avery's boyfriend, alright?" Bennet asked.

"Alright." Tyler and Chloe agreed.

I was stunned as i walked the stairs back to my bedroom to flop down of the new comforter. I had a boyfriend?

A/n: short chapter, I know, but come on, major drama. Worth it right. I'm still mad at my mom, so I'm posting this late at night, but whatever. When inspiration hits, right. Sry, not my best writing.

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