Hanging Out

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Its been a few days since I spoke to Karl in his shed, and we've been hanging out a lot lately. I have to admit, even though I thought it would be weird or something, hanging out with him all the time, it was actually fairly easy. We got along really well, and shared a lot of the same interests. We even watch the same shows. Weird. If you would've told me a week ago that I would be spending most of my free time with Karl Fink, I would've walked away slowly before running because i'd think you were insane! Kinda cool how fate works, isn't it.

Anyway, I have a meadow to go to with Mr. Fink himself. I've decided I trust him enough to share  with  him the one specific place I can remember. I don't know why I've decided to trust him with the secret and special place. I don't even know why I trust him. I just have a gut feeling that its for the best that I do.

I grabbed my jacket from its peg next to the front door. I have no clue why I feel like I should bring it with me, especially since its the beginning of summer. Kind of a hot time in my town if you didn't know that.  But, I trust my instincts, and right now, my instincts are telling me I should.

Just as I was stuffing my jacket into my bag, I heard a soft, tentative knock on my door. I froze. I wasn't ready yet, and Karl was already at my door! I had no idea what to do, so I went ahead and answered the door. To my intense relief, it wasn't Karl yet. It was Lindsay.

"Lindsay! What're you doing  here?" I asked while embracing my BFF.

"I'm here to see you, sweetie! I've got a little free time and I thought I might be able to hang out with you since I've been busy with my art work lately!" She explained to me, pushing my hug away after a few seconds, only to keep me within her grasp at about an arm's length away.

"Really? That's great!" I exclaimed, grabbing ahold of her hands. "Oh, but wait, I have somewhere else to go n a few minutes. I can't hang out with you." I frowned. Talk about terrible planning.

Lindsay looked upset for a minute. But Lindsay always has a habit of finding an upside to everything, so she was all smiles a second later. "That's ok, Avery. I'll probably just go over to Max's house."

I smiled, for once grateful that my spunky friend always had a solution to everything.

"So, who're you going with, and where?" She asked, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs.

We burst into my room at top speed, and Lindsay immediately went over to my closet and began to root around inside.

"Well, I'm going hiking through the woods with Karl in about a half an hour."

Lindsay stood up so suddenly, that she forgot about the shelf above her head, and ended up banging her head on it, also causing her hat to fall off onto a pile of disregarded shirts. She stepped out of the closet, and asked me to "Repeat what I had just said."

"I'm going hiking through the woods with Karl in about a half an hour." I repeated. If Lindsay's jaw had dropped any lower, she could have used it as a vacuum cleaner.


I ended up explaining to Lindsay everything that had happened while she chose a 'cute but responsible outfit to wear during hiking.'

"Woah." Lindsay exclaimed as she threw me the clothes she had picked out. I changed while she processed everything I had said.

And on that extremely strange note, I heard the door bell go off. The loud sound echoed throughout the empty house. I gasped. I still wasn't ready. I had to finish packing my bag and then fix my hair.

"Lindsay, answer the door and keep Karl occupied. I'll be down in a little bit." Lindsay nodded, and ran downstairs. I heard her open the door. I grabbed my bag from off the floor, while dumping its contents onto my bed. What would be good to have during a hike with one of my newest best friends?

Lipstick, a small hand held mirror, my jacket, a couple good books, a pencil, and a notepad all went back into the bag.  Now for the hair.

I decided to just pull my hair up into a ponytail, nut by the time I was finished with everything, it had been half an hour after my guest had arrived.

I hurried down the stairs, catching sight of the two of them having a polite conversation. All of a sudden, Karl let out a loud, happy laugh. For some reason, I felt upset and jealous that it hadn't been me that made him laugh like that. I quickly shook off the feeling.

I took s deep breath. "Hey, Karl."

a/n: hey guys! i'm so happy that ive found time now that im all settled in at school to write new chapters. anyway, I want to show you guys something. the videos below show some more recent inspirating for the upcoming chapters that im typing up. beware, though, their topic is Brase. the actual inspiration came from the audio, not the video, so feel free to check those out!



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