Our Song

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It was 10:45 by the time Lindsay and I woke up the next morning. We had gone to bed at 4 in the morning, so we got a few hours of decent sleep. Stan had visited us at three, literally begging to be let outside. Apparently there were some wild squirrels that looked suspicious that he wanted to check out. Rather than fight him about it, Avery let him out even though it was three o'clock. He didn't come back for 45 minutes. 

When we woke up, Lindsay challenged me to a race down the stairs. She won by about six centimeters.

We were both giggling by the time we made it to the door that lead to the kitchen. Lindsay was full on laughing when we pushed open the door. 

The first thing I saw was mom bustling around the kitchen, muttering to herself. Lindsay finally calmed down, and I could hear what mom was mumbling. 

"Might need a little more flour. Don't want to burn anything. Stir once, twice, three, four, five, six..." She murmured.

She bustled around, baking, stirring, mixing, anything you can think of, she was doing. I was so entranced by the new way mom cooked, that I didn't notice someone else in the room. That is, until Lindsay said something to him.

"Hey, Karl! How have you been? I haven't seen you around school much. Everything ok?" Lindsay was talking so fast that I could barely keep up. I just had the time to turn around and see the guy she was talking to. Karl was sitting on the chair closest to mom in the kitchen.

"I've been fine. I haven't been in school much cause of this." Karl held up a crutch that had been recently resting against the wall. "And everything is as 'ok' as it can be, considering the circumstances." Karl finished, counting off his fingers as he answered each question Lindsay had rattled off.

"Karl! Come here for a second!" Mom called from the kitchen counter. 

"Coming." Karl picked up his crutch, and leaned heavily on it as he made his way to my mom. He stood next to her and she handed him the wooden spoon she was using to stir something in a bowl. "What's this?" Karl asked. "Mashed potatoes." Mom answered. "Mm, Kay." Karl began humming a little tune as he stirred the potatoes. As soon as the spoon left moms hand, she rushed to the oven,and  pulled out freshly baked cookies.

The tune that Karl was humming was familiar to me somehow. I held back for a few seconds, but I couldn't hold it in. I began humming the same tune, an octave higher. Lindsay apparently heard me, and turned to stare at me. 

The words soon began to flow through my head, and out through my mouth. I sang along to the song, and the music that only I could hear. Then I began to dance. I don't know where the steps came from, but they were there. 

I twisted and turned around the kitchen. Then I spun around with an invisible partner, unsecuring my necklace from my shirt, letting it spin around with me.

Out of nowhere my head began pounding. I cried out and fell to the ground, clutching my head. I heard my mom and Lindsay and Karl rush to my side, just a second before I passed out.

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