What's A Soulmate?

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"Hey, Karl."

Karl turned around. His face still showed laughter from whatever Lindsay had said. His hair was free of any gel, and it hung freely all over his forehead, and even a little over his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes were bright and free of troubles or worries. I wished I was as relaxed as he was in this one minute in time. He looked care free and worry free and it was as if nothing could or would ever make him upset. Everything that I was not.

"Hello, Avery! Are you ready to go?" Karl asked, in his cute little proper manner.

"Yes I am. But where we're going, we need a car." I told him, watching him stand up. He was wearing ripped jeans with an open, dark grey jacket. Underneath the jacket was a T-shirt with text that read 'My Girlfriend Thinks I'm Perfect, No Matter What You Say.'  I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

"No problem. I have one in my garage."

I smiled. "Hey, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I stated, pointing at his shirt.

He glanced down at his shirt, almost as if he was surprised he was wearing it.

"Well, I guess you could say that." He said, zipping the jacket so you could only see a few letters.

"What happened? You guys  break up?" I asked, trying to catch his eye.

"No. Not exactly. I guess you could say that our relationship is on hold for a little while." Karl started to get fidgety in the way that I knew meant that he was about to close off soon. So I let the subject drop.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, relieved when he immediately brightened up again.

"Yeah. Just let me grab my car from my garage real quick." Karl hurried out the door after that.

"Hey, Avery?" Lindsay called from behind me.


"You might want to leave the subject of Karl's girlfriend alone. Its a touchy subject with him. He's still very upset about what happened." She whispered, coming to stand at my side.

"I kind of picked up on that." I whispered back.

Lindsay nodded and headed toward the door. "I'll see you later, Avery!" She called as she walked down my drive way. I waved. Almost as soon as Lindsay was out of sight, a great big blue truck pulled into my driveway. There was a large dent on the passenger side in the trunk. The window rolled down to present Karl, looking as free as ever.

I smiled and walked out the door, remembering at the last second to lock it. "So, where are we going?" Karl asked as soon as I was buckled in.


It took a little longer than it should have, but soon we were sitting in the middle of my meadow, with a blanket settled down underneath us to keep away any bugs.

The conversations we had flowed as easy and effortlessly as the calm river that ran through the woods next to us. We talked and talked until we basically ran out of words, and even then the easy silence between us was interrupted by a question that got us talking for a little bit, but eventually we were back in that nice silence.

"Hey, Karl. I have a question for you." I stated, picking small flowers of every color and weaving them into a crown.


"Everyone seems to have a different opinion on this, and I would like to know yours." I explained, not quite sure why I was so nervous to ask this question.

Karl peeked open one of his previously closed eyes, and looked at me with the chocolate depths within. "Go ahead. Ask away."

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

Both of his eyes were open, and they were lost in thought. Though only for a second. "Yes. Yes I do."

"What's a soulmate?"

Karl sat back, staring at the overcast baby blue sky for a minute.

"It's, uh, well, it's like a best friend, but more. Its the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone that makes you a better person." He seemed to stop and consider his words for a few seconds. "Actually, they don't MAKE you a better person. You do that yourself. Because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who...who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did.  Or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them, and nothing else could change that."

I was silent for a few moments after his explanation, contemplating what he had said. It sounded like he knew what he was talking about. Like he had experienced what a soulmate was.

"Have you found your soulmate?" I asked, looking at his face. It was then that I realized that he was crying.

His eyes were open to the now completely overcast sky, and I could see in his face that he was thinking. "I think I have." He whispered.

"I love her. And I know that deep down inside, she loves me too. And it was like that from the very first spark." He told me, not even trying to cover the fact that he was crying anymore.

"When was that first spark?" I questioned.

"When we were little kids. Even back then she was beautiful. I actually had a crush on her since the 4th grade. She took something of mine, and I loved that, even though she didn't quite know it, she was flirting with me." He was smiling, but the tears kept flowing.

Karl sucked in a staggering breath while rolling onto his side to stare at me. "What about you? Do you think that you have found your soulmate out there?" He turned to look at me.

I thought about it. I thought through every memory I had of the past three years. I felt the emotions I had felt for this mystery boy. And I got my answer.

"Yes. I think I've found him. Even though I cant remember who he is, I know that I love him deeply."

Karl smiled at my words, and rolled back over to stare at the ever darkening sky.

After a while of sitting in silence, I felt a rain drop land on my shoulder. "Hey, I think we should head back to the truck." I whispered to Karl, while standing up.

"Yeah. We probably should."

a/n: hey! I think I MIGHT leave this alone for a while so that you guys can have a break, but I will update within the rest of the week. if you watched the videos on that other chapter I posted, then you probably saw this scene coming, but oh well. I love u all!!!!!!!

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