The Painting

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After dinner that night, I went back to my room with every intention to go to sleep. However, that plan backfired when I looked at the special necklace, sitting on its perch. It had given me my only clue to the life I was living back before the accident that stole my memories. I usually save my art wall for when I am feeling strong emotion towards something, or an important moment in my life, and I felt this situation fit the bill perfectly.

I spent the rest of the night, until 5am painting over the already there artwork, waiting for that to dry, then deciding what to paint, and carrying that out the best i could. I ended up painting the short part where his hand is showing me the jewel for the first time. I went into as best  detail as I could. I had the background a bit fuzzy to focus more on the necklace and his hand, I added a shine element to the necklace, and even put the scar in on his hand. All in all, I was very happy with the way it turned out.

No one ever came into my room anymore, so no one knew I had at least one memory back, even Stan was oblivious to the change in the contents of my art wall. The only one who saw was Lindsay during a suprize sleepover.

We walked into my bedroom after a good, healthy meal of pizza and breadsticks, and she looked around.

"Wow, Avery, your room hasn't been this clean in a long time." She commented.

I knew that at least it had been a train wreck when I got home, and I spent hours cleaning it up. Not a very fun way of spending your first week back from the hospital.

Then, Lindsay noticed the painting. "Avery, did you do this?" She asked, pointing at the piece.

"Yeah, two nights ago." I answeredher, admiring my handiwork. 

She looked back at me. "Are you remembering?" She asked. 

I signed and stared at the ground. "That's the only memory I have from everything I'm missing. I want to know who he is so badly, but no one is telling me!"

"Do you know why?" She continued, intercepting my line of sight. 

"They don't want it to overwhelm my system."

"Yes." Lindsay said. "But tell someone if you start getting more, ok?"

I agreed. After Lindsay left to go brush her teeth and get into her pajamas, I looked at the painting again. So much happiness and so much loneliness out of one memory. Some questions were answered, but so many remain. This was going to be one heck of a ride to get everything answered.

Lindsay walked in again. "Ready to "sleep"?" She asked, apparently over the topic of my memories. 

I smiled. "Yeah."

A/n: another late update, I know, but I was out late today without WiFi, so here it is. Not very good.  Sry.

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