Our Song (Karl POV)

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Sitting in the kitchen was strange for me. I usually was up helping Ellen cook, not sitting in a chair, rambling off suggestions for her. We did occasionally sit down at the table when I was over, just to talk, but now, I felt useless. I was there because Ellen asked me to come over to help her cook for a family reunion dinner at their cousins house.

My life was awful at the moment. My cast on my left arm was itchy; my leg was irritating me today, hence the crutch leaning next to me against the wall; and I was inside the house of the girl I loved, and I wasn't allowed to see her.

You see, after the car accident that put both me and Avery in the hospital, I walked away with less damage than Avery had. Sure, I had a broken leg for a bit, and my arm was broken in three different places, but aside from some massive bruises on my torso, I was fine. My leg healed fairly quickly, though my arm would need to stay in its cast for at least three more weeks. Avery had a broken wrist, which healed while she was in that coma. The worst of the injuries were dealt on Avery. I mean, she was in a coma, and she got amnesia. 

I feel awful. If I hadnt suggested we go out, then we never would have gotten in that accident. If I didn't- 

My thoughts were interrupted by the kitchen door swinging open. Avery and her best friend, Lindsay burst on the room, laughing. She looked so happy and carefree. I let out a small sigh that attracted Lindsay's attention to me. I smiled at her. Me and Lindsay had become friends from the  two years I had been dating Avery.

"Hey, Karl! How have you been? I haven't seen you around school much. Everything ok?" I counted her questions on my fingers. She had a bad habit of wanting an answer to everything she asked, and if you didn't, then she thought you were mad at her, and ignored you. Avery turned around, surprise showing on her face. She hadn't noticed me before.

"I've been fine. I haven't been in school much cause of this." I held up my crutch that had been resting against the wall. "And everything is as 'ok' as it can be, considering the circumstances." I finished, counting off my fingers as i answered each question Lindsay had rattled off. She seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Karl, come here for a second!" Ellen called.

I stood up, dragging my foot a bit. It hurt whenever I put weight on it. I walked over to Ellen, and she handed me a spoon to continue stirring whatever was in the pot. "What is it?" I asked Ellen, completely ignoring Avery. "Mashed potatoes." She answered, heading over to the oven to take out some cookies I had helped her make.

I started stirring them in the special way that I found helped them taste better. While I was stirring, I began humming a song. The song that me and Avery had decided was Our Song. After a few seconds of humming, a more feminine voice jumped in with me. I looked up. Avery was humming along with me, her eyes closed.

I kept going. I don't know why. About a minute into the song, she began dancing. Abruptly, I stopped humming. We used to dance to this song together. We even danced to it at our annual dance this past year. She was moving in the same way she would if she was dancing with me. She did a spin with an invisible partner. I smiled. She was beautiful. Singing along with the song, she danced like no one was watching.

Then as the song ended, she fell to the floor. She clutched her head and let out a loud scream. With no one else in the house, Lindsay, Ellen, and I ran to her side. She screamed again, and fell over, passed out. I got to her first, and scooped her limp body in my arms. 

(You can chose whatever song you want it to be. I don't really care, just let me know what it is you chose in the comments.)

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