I wish not to die

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TW: Thoughts of death

I wish not to die,
but to start over,
start fresh,
with new ambitions, new dreams, new interests,

Although, i wish for one interest to stay,
The one where words fall onto a page,
Eloquently, gracefully,
For they give me strength, a way out

I wish not for death to visit me,
Give me his kiss, to take me away,
But wish i do for a way to restart life,
Without being reborn as someone else

I wish not for death to take me away,
But simply to vanish,
Even if not for eternity, but for a few days,
To be left alone with these raging thoughts,
To let them become words on a page,
Eloquently strung together

Those words provide an escape,
One, that if pursued, can be fruitful,
Can aid me in my current life,
And perhaps even beyond

I wish not to die,
But to start over,
Start over fresh,
Sat under a beautiful flower tree,
With petals swaying, flying in the wind,
As my raging thoughts, my demonic companions,
Become words on a page,
No longer hindering me,
But aiding me instead

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