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4:57 PM
You guys finish and are ready to tell matt to come over and Riley to come down from her room. It was going to be a surprise for both of them. Chris texted Matt and you ran up to Riley. You knock and than grab a bandana. Riley puts her hands out in front of her.
Wait! Is Matt here yet?
No, but he will be soon so put this on.
Wait! But I need to get ready and you need to encourage me.
Okay okay. Go get ready then I'll give you some advice.
When Riley comes back all dressed up you give her some "encouraging" words. At last you tie the bandana around her eyes and pull her down the steps.

"Oh my god stop! I don't want to fall!" Riley yells. "Oh please, I've got you. You won't fall." You guys run into the kitchen and see Matt and Chris standing there already. "Chris, what is going on? I'm going to kill you." Matt says trying to hit Chris even tho he was blindfolded too. You weren't surprised he was annoyed. He was the only one there who didn't know what was going on.

"It's okay Matt, it's not like you got kidnapped." Chris says following you outside and pulling Matt along. "You kind of did kidnap me though." "No because you drove yourself here lover boy." You guys sit the two down. "Alright you two can take the blindfolds off now." You say walking off with Chris to leave them alone.

You guys go inside and watch them. You can tell that Matt is super confused but tries to act neutral, while Riley was really excited but was trying to be polite. "Dorks" you say turning your head away. "Hey~ Matty's MY dork" Chris whines. You guys giggle and then go upstairs into your room.

You lay down on your bed and you start putting on a movie but stop yourself. "Wait. Didn't you say you guys were YouTubers?" Chris looks at you. "Yeah, so?" You smirk and go to YouTube. "What are you doing?
Oh nothing.
"No stop it we're not watching a video." Chris whines trying to get the remote from your hand. He reaches pass your face almost laying right on top of you. You so got nervous and distracted by Chris that he grabbed the remote. "No~" you pout. He looks at you for a second then sighs "fine we can watch ONE video." "Yipee!" You yell hugging him.

5:18 PM
You guys were laughing almost through the whole video. When you guys finished, you said "Our little comedian" in a joking way. "That's crazy." Chris says giving you a weird look. You jut roll your eyes and lay your head on his chest. It was peaceful with him, like floating in an ocean forever. That was until you heard keys in your front door.

"Shit! That's my mom!" You say jumping up out of bed. "And Matt and Riley are still outside! Don't move." You close your bedroom door and run downstairs, then slide into your kitchen while your mom was taking off her shoes. As quiet as possible, you shut the back door curtains.

"Hey, where were you all yesterday I only saw you at dinner?" Your mom asks walking into the kitchen. "Oh I just went to the triplet's house." You weren't lying though. "Whose house?"

"Oh I guess I never told you but I have these friends and they're triplets." You say continuing to hold the curtains closed. "Oh, you know what? I think I've heard of them." Your mom says waving around a spatula. How did your mom know about them but you didn't?

"Cool cool cool..." You guys sit in silence for a little until your mom asks "why are you standing over there? Why don't you sit down." You hesitate but end up sitting down so it would be less suspicious.

"Phew, let's get some light in here." She grabs the curtains. "NO!" You yell jumping up. She swings the curtains open and her jaw drops. Just the perfect time, Matt and Riley were leaning and kissing over the table.

It was silent for 3 seconds until your mom slides the door open and started yelling. "What in the world?! Riley? You know better then to have boys over!" She yells waving the spatula around more.

You felt bad for Matt because your mom was shooing him away and the damn spatula's head because it was about to snap off from all the waving around.

6:10 PM
Your mom made you take everything down in the backyard after Matt left. While you and Riley were putting the stuff back into the basement Riley says "thanks for helping me even though it got ruined." "no problem."

You felt bad but you knew it wasn't your fault. "That spatula was getting tortured huh?" You say trying to brighten the mood. You "trying to brighten the mood" ended up failing.

"Are you kidding me I'm embarrassed and you're joking around?" It goes silent for a little bit. You finally say "I didn't mean for her to find out you know." "It doesn't matter! I'm going to get in trouble and you won't!" She says raising her voice. "Well that's not my fault!" Riley runs upstairs and you hear her slam her bedroom door.

You hear your mom yelling from upstairs. You walk over to the washer and see your laundry basket is gone. Your mom was taking it up to your room today. "Oh no! Chris is in there!" You sprint up the steps and when you get up there your mom was already opening the door.

"Y/n I did your laundry for y-" you hear all of your close fall to the ground. Everything went silent except Riley crying in her room. Your mom rubs the bridge of her nose and walks into her room leaving all the clothes on the floor. You walk into your room and Chris was just laying there.

"Should I go?" He asks breaking the silence. You feel tears form in your eyes. "Please don't, I need you right now." You say walking over to the bed. He hugs you tightly and kisses you on your forehead. You guys lay together for a little then put on a movie.

To be continued

And thank you for all the reads I really appreciate it 🙏

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