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8:55 PM
Chills run down your back. This was so romantic to you. "Um... y-yeah. I would really like that." You lean on him slightly and lay your head on his shoulder as you watch him put a movie on. It starts playing and you had absolutely no idea what it was but you also didn't care at this point you were just glad to be with him.

You can tell Chris is smiling. He wraps his arm around your back and holds his hand at your waist, pulling you closer. You feel your heart flutter at his touch and feel so happy to see how much he was doing for you. So many things were running through your head. Like how you would just marry him and thank him forever for what he does for you. How you would just run away and leave everything behind to be with him. How you love his warm touch around you.

10:16 PM
After awhile into the movie you start feeling tired. All the waking up early all year for school, walking around in the halls all day, and then being at the beach with Chris has really drained you. Your eyes feel heavy and you eventually drift off next to Chris. Not long after, you slightly wake up and feel Chris picking you up and carrying you up the stairs. You fall asleep again in his arms, unable to move.

9:03 AM
You wake up in the bedroom upstairs facing Chris who was still asleep. You reach your hands up in his hair and stroke it. His eyes flicker slightly and then open to look at you. He smiles gently as you continue to finger-comb his hair.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." You say as you look in his eyes. "No problem love~" you feel your face burn up at his words. You were speechless as he's never called you something like love. You move your mouth as if you were gonna say something but nothing came out. Chris just smiled and chuckled slightly at your reaction.

"Do you like me calling you that?" He says. "I-... y...ya..." "good, cause that's your new nickname." You look at him speechlessly. You didn't know if you were like this because you were half asleep or just because he was really good with his words.

"You want pancakes? We can make some together." "I'm down." You say finally snapping out of it and smiling at him eagerly. You guys go downstairs and get ready to start making the pancakes. Chris turns you towards him and puts his hand on your cheeks to kiss you. You giggle at him for a little then kiss him back. You guys smile at each other and then he pushes you away slightly to start cooking.

" alright. You ready?" You look at him admiring his smile for a little and then finally say yes. You guys start. You talk and laugh as you follow instructions from a website. You used to make pancakes with your mom and sister so you knew what you were doing for the most part. Occasionally you would glance over at the phone to see a certain measure or ingredient.

9:36 AM
All the pancakes were finished and you guys finally sat down to eat them at the dining table. You smile at Chris before picking up a piece with your fork and putting it in your mouth. He does the same. You continue to eat for a little and then look up at him. his eyes lit up as he chews his food. It makes you giggle at his reaction. Chris looks at you confused.

"Don't laugh at me! These are really fucking good..." You continue to laugh. "They're just pancakes though." He rolls his eyes and continues to eat them. Your laugh fades but your smile doesn't. You look at him for a minute before continue to eat your food.

9:43 AM
You guys finish and talk and laugh for a little. Chris brings up the boardwalk and maybe going on the rides and stuff. After the day that Chris got in the fight and the SA it's been hard for you just to go to school so the idea of going out in public with lots of people wasn't your favorite idea. You saw how happy he looked and how he was looking forward to it so you force a smile and agree to going.

Chris saw right through your fake smile and his face drops. "Are you lying? If you don't want to go you know you don't have to. The days here are supposed to be about you feeling better. Don't do something to ruin that." Your smile slowly fades and you look away. "I-... I know I just don't wanna ruin an experience for you."

"It'd ruin the experience if you weren't comfortable. I'd rather do something you like because it makes me feel good to know you feel good." You smile. "Thank you, but you know what? It might actually be good to go out. I can't stay away from people for forever."

"You sure you're not just saying that for me? I'm won't argue with you because it's your choice but I wanna make sure you're sure." He says concerned.

You nod and smile at him softly. He smiles back for a second then looks at you with a concerned face again. You guys talk for a little then agree to start getting ready. You guys wouldn't go for too long in case something started to happen but you'd try to have as much fun as you can. You finished getting dressed and then start doing your skin care and makeup. You feel refreshed and more motivated after talking to Chris. He always got you through struggles.

10:06 AM
You finish doing everything you need to and go downstairs to see Chris already waiting for you. He asks if you're ready and you nod. You guys start walking down the same block you did last night. It was so peaceful hearing all the seagulls, waves in the distances, the screams and laughs of people on the rides at the boardwalk. Even though it was out of your comfort zone at the moment you knew you would have fun with Chris.

To be continued...

I really like this chapter idk why. I'm srry this chapter took eternity to be posted I js haven't been motivated lately. But soon school will be over for me so I'll have more free time. Love y'all <3

Midnight rain- Chris Sturniolo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now