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⚠️please read: just saying they had off on Monday because I realized they skipped school. Anyway⚠️

6:00 AM
Ring Ring Ring... Ring Ring- "ughhh" you groan. After what happened yesterday, you feel like crap from all the crying. You were still motivated to go to school though because then you could apologize to Chris for all the shit that went down.

7:57 AM
When you were done you go downstairs and turn on the tv. You wait for Ainsley to get here but no one knocked or even came by your house. School was starting in 13 minutes and Ainsley still wasn't here. You grab your phone to text her.

You- Ainsley wtf?
You- where are you??
Ainsley- wdym
You- wdym wdym?
You- are you picking me up anytime soon
Ainsley- you bitch
Ainsley-maybe if you answered any of my calls or texts you would know that my car broke
Ainsley- but no, your too busy with Chris your new boyfriend
Ainsley -I saw you guys at the dance
Ainsley- when you flipped off Peggy she got mad at me cause she knew we're friends
Ainsley- yk what happened I got punched and you were selfish enough to not even pay attention
You- how I was supposed to know that happened?
Ainsley- maybe if you told me about the party we could've been hanging out tg and you could've stood up for me
You- I thought you didn't like going to parties
Ainsley- it was my party!
Ainsley- I tried telling you so we could do it tg but you weren't replying to any of my texts
You- wdym it was a school party though
Ainsley- I arranged the whole thing and I do hate those things I just wanted to be able to hang out with you
You- I'm sorry Ainsley I was just busy
Aimsley- apparently not busy enough to get off a call with him and just check up on me
Ainsley- but since it was him it's ok I understand Ik he's more important
Ainsley- don't call me, don't come by my house, we're done 😔😙😞😟😢🥺😫😩😮🙄💅🏻
What she really said:
Ainsley- it doesn't matter just leave me alone

8:02 AM
You felt terrible "shit schools starts soon!" You say jumping up from the couch and then running into your mom's room. You knock on the door. "Mom? Can you drive me to school?" You say quietly. "Why can't Ainsley?" Your mom says scrolling on her phone. "Her car broke." You reply. "Whatever but it's not my fault if you are late."
Thank you mom.

8:13 AM
You had one minute to get inside the school. You had just made it to your locker and got your stuff out as the bell rang. You walk into the class room. "Your late y/n" your homeroom teacher says. "Sorry, I woke up late." You look around and the only open seat is right next to Chris. You smile and walk over to him.

When you sit down he says "saved it just for you." "Well thank you. Also do you have a pencil I can borrow? I left mine at home." "Ye-" Chris was cut off by the teacher. "Uhm? First you come in late and now you're talking in class?" "No I was just-" the teacher interrupts you again

"two detentions for you and one for Chris." He says crossing his arms. "Huh?!" Chris pushes himself out of his seat. "What did we do?" "Both of you out of the classroom now!" The teacher says pointing at the door. You stand and pick up your books. "Wait outside the door I want to have a talk with you guys." The teacher says starting to write on the white board again.

"Fuck him." Chris says under his breath. You guys sit down against the wall. "Why were you late?" Chris asks. "I already said why, I woke up late." You say putting your head down on your knees. "Come on I know that's not why." Tears form in your eyes. You look at Chris with a sad face. "Are you crying? What happened? Tell me please."

He hugs you and you rest your head on his shoulder. "Ainsley is mad at me and it's all my fault. I wasn't paying attention and she got hurt and now she won't talk to me." You explain to Chris what happened.

8:14 AM
"Shit. I thought you said she doesn't like parties and then she literally throws one?" "That's what I thought too but she never talks and she just keeps everything to herself." It was a literal fact that Chris and you were made for each other, you understood each other in ways other people didn't.

You hear some footsteps coming from down the hall. You look up and it was a group of boys. They were laughing and talking. As they got closer the one in the front says "is that Chris? What are you doing here with her? Did you get in trouble again?" He mocks Chris. "Zip it bitch." Chris says hugging you tighter.

"Why be with him when there's me?" The boy says biting his lip. "Fuck off she doesn't like you." Chris says getting up and pushing the boy. "Chill, I'm just trying to talk to her." He says pushing Chris back. They continue pushing each other and it progressively got worse. They both end up on the floor hitting each other.

The teacher walks out "usual- hey stop it!" He pulls the two apart and the rest of the boys run away. "I leave you guys alone for 3 minutes and you get into a fight?" He says "to the principal's office now!"

To be continued

Also this was my reference of Ainsley saying "don't call me don't come by my house we're done"


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