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⚠️please read: I changed my layout and how I write the dialogue since it was wrong. It probably still is tbh.⚠️

6:03 PM
You ignore Riley after that and sit down with her and your mom. Your mom asks to explain to Riley what happened and you say ok. You couldn't bare hearing what happened again and go upstairs to your room. You watch another one of the triplets videos. You laugh throughout the whole video. After getting a shower, doing your skincare, brushing your teeth, and changing into pajamas you finally fall asleep at 10:04.

6:00 AM
Your alarm goes off as usual and you start getting ready. You were excited for today to be over cause it was the last day before you got off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and obviously the weekend. Before school starts you text Matt.

You- hey can you pick me up?
Matt- Ainsley can't?
You- we got into an argument
Matt- oh sorry
Matt- alright I'll be over in a bit
You- thanks
Matt- it's the least I could do

7:57 AM
You hear a knock on your door, it was Nick. "Come on we have to go like now." He says making a hand motion signaling you towards the car. "I know I know." You say getting in the back with him. "Thank you again. It's been hard
Lately." "You know we're here for you." Chris says. You smile at him softly.

3:34 PM
The boys drove you back home too. But instead of Chris going home he stayed at your house with you.
"Why did you want to come inside with me so badly?" You ask throwing your backpack down next to the couch. "Don't ask. Just go pack your suitcase for 2 days." Chris crosses his arms and stands up tall.
Excuse me? Why?
Just go it's a surprise.
Um no thank you I need an explanation.
Please just go.
You hesitate but go with it anyway. "Pack warm." Chris yells up even though your more than half way up the stairs already. When you get to your room, you pack some things up real quick. You go downstairs again and Chris opens the front door and bows down.

"What the hell?" "Hey watch the language missy!" Chris says in a joking way. You give him a shut-the-fuck-up look. You guys go outside and there was an Uber waiting for you guys. You were so confused but also trusted Chris so you just go along with whatever he was doing.

4:43 PM
After a while the Uber stops and you guys get out. Chris puts his hand over your eyes. "What the fuck, Chris!" "Shh. Just walk with me." You guys walk for a little and then you feel graininess from under your shoes. You stop walking and Chris takes his hand off your eyes. You blink to adjust to the bright sun. You see a little blue beach house right before your eyes.

Oh my god, Chris.
A friend let me borrow it. We have it for today, tomorrow, and then Friday we'll leave.
You run up onto the deck that was covered in a thin layer of sand. Chris throws the keys to you. You guys go in and settle down. You were so excited. You haven't been to the beach ever since your mom and dad split apart, which was almost two years ago. You guys hang out a little and look around.

"When it starts getting a little darker I'll take you out to see the sunset and to eat as well." "Thanks a lot Chris. Do you know how much I love the beach?"
No? How much? As much as you love me?
You guys flirt and joke around for a little. Finally the sun was about to set. There was a restaurant only a block away from the house so you guys walk there together. The sun was going to set in about half an hour. The air was also going to get a little chilly so you brought your sweatshirt.

7:33 PM
When you get there Chris asks for a table outside. There was only one other couple outside and they were older. You guys sit down and you can't help but stare into Chris' bright eyes. They were shiny and a shade of light blue as he gazes into the beach and sunset. You zone out while staring him down.

"Why are you staring at me? Am I that attractive?" You snap out of it and sit up straight. "N-no I just zoned out a little." You try to not to make it obvious how happy you are.

You and Chris talk until the waiter eventually comes out. You guys order and the waiter goes back inside to put in the order. It goes quiet for a little until you break the silence and ask something out of the ordinary.

"Hey this is kind of random but have you ever had like... a girlfriend before?" Chris looks up at you from the menu. "Nope! Never." A little grin grows on his face then it goes back down. "Oh, I was just wondering because I thought you and Madi were... you know like together or something."
No? Did someone say that? Did... Madi?
You laugh nervously. No it's just that she's so pretty and I guess I was just jealous of her.
You have nothing to worry about I love you only. She's just a friend.
Oh alright. Sorry if I sounded rude or pick-me-ish.
No worries. Chris says grabbing your hand.
You're relieved but sad at the same time. Most of the time people's first relationships don't work out. As an addition you guys were still in highschool. You stop thinking about it and just enjoy the moment.

To be continued
UPDATE: I won't be working on midnight rain for a while now bc I'm busy and I'm also trying to catch my Matt story up since I started it later. Ty all so much for reading I hope you like it so far.

Midnight rain- Chris Sturniolo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now