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⚠️please read: this part consist of violence, annoyingness, sexual assault. Viewer discretion advised.⚠️

8:18 AM
The two of you sit there silently. Chris was in the nurses office so it was just you and the other boy. He was just trying to act tough but you could tell he got hurt badly. Instead of focusing on the fact that you were in the principal's office you were worrying about Chris. Is he hurt? If he is, is he gonna be okay? Did Chris win? No! That's not important. Thats just half of some of the stuff running through your mind. You try to think of something different like when the last time you were in the principals office. Which was in kindergarten when you threw up because some kid hit you in the back by accident and it forced the school's chicken up.

You guys were quietly waiting for the principal to come in. While it was silent you felt something touch your hand. It was the boy. Your guys' hands were close and he was trying to flirt. You roll your eyes and put you hand on your lap. "What did I do?" He says annoyed.

"You were being a dick, that's what you did." You reply. "What Chris started it!" "That's so fucking childish!" You say getting up out of your seat. Right as you stood up the principal walked in. "Sit please." She says. Cool, now it look like I'm in the wrong. You thought.

"Alright, who's telling me what happened first?" She sits down in her chair and starts shuffling her papers. "How 'bout the one that looks like he just got beat up." She says with a grin. You try really hard to keep in a laugh but you have to be respectful.

8:21 AM
He explained what happened. He over exaggerated some parts and changed what happened to make it sound more like Chris' fault. "Then he started to push me-" you interrupt him "that's not what happened at all!" "Y/n please let him speak you can tell your perspective after." The principal says. You cross your arms and wait.

As he finishes the principal says "okay, now y/n you can talk." "Well, me and Chris got kicked out of the class so we were just talking and waiting for the teacher. Then the boys came by and started to pick on Chris. He was also... talking to me. Chris stood up for me though. You heard the door open behind you but you continued talking.

"And yes, Chris did push him first but-" "what the hell?" You turn around and it was Chris. Just the right time. It sounded like you were snitching on him. "Chris I swear I was just telling her what happened. It's just that you came in at an awkward time." "Oh ok, it's alright I understand." He says sitting down next to you.

He had a band-aid on his cheek. You stare at him. He looks over at you and says "it doesn't hurt don't worry." "Ok good." You say relieved. "Anyway~ continue y/n." The principal says. You explain the rest of what happened. Chris went after you and he told the same story and even owned up to hitting the boy first. The only difference was that he told the truth about what the boy had said to you.

"Thank you all for telling me your side of the story. I'll think over what happened and tell you guys your consequences later." The principal says shuffling more of her paper. You get up with Chris. You made sure that the boy was out of sight before you held Chris' hand. "Are you sure you're okay?" You say looking up at him. "Yeah."

2:33 PM
You get outside of the school and look around. You don't see anyone you know. Only the boy from earlier standing with his friends. You decided to walk home just today because you feel you've been a burden to Chris, your mom, Ainsley, and the principal. You were thinking about calling Chris but decided not to. Plus, it would be nice to get outside and take a walk.

As you were walking you hear people talking behind you. You don't think anything of it but after a minute or two you realize some of the voices sound familiar. You were probably over thinking though, so you keep walking. It feels as if the voices were getting closer and closer to you. Until after a little you feel them right behind you and next to you. You feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey! I remember you cutie." One of the voices says. You turn around and it was the boy who Chris had fought. You were already shaking. "Hey it's okay, we can take you home if your lost." One of them says with a grin. "N-no it's okay. Thanks though." You say trying to get away. You take a step back from them but feel a hand on your hip.

"Get off." You say still shaking.(I'm shaking while writing this 💀) "come on stay with me for just a little." The boy says again. "I said get off!" You say pushing away. The boy slaps you across the face. "No I said your gonna stay with me." He grabs your wrist and lifts your chin with his finger. You felt tears in your eyes. You couldn't do anything but cry. you felt frozen and scared. Nothing like how you felt with Chris. You heard another boy behind you. His hands wrapping around you waist.

To be continued

Midnight rain- Chris Sturniolo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now