Untitled Part 1

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...i am trying to make dinner...or something...and you two are getting very annoying...

Fireboymaroon5: so*walks over to the couch and drops them*sit here and stop fighting...

puppylover24234: Mirror: You arent my mom! Me: Please dont let her hurt me D:

Fireboymaroon5: ...*chains grab mirror and throw her at a wall and grab her again*

puppylover24234: Mirror: Grr Me: *Shadow cat form and goes under the couch* Im gonna be here so she cant hurt me...

Fireboymaroon5: ...*chains grab mystery again and drops her on the couch*...

puppylover24234: Me: ..... Mirror: Grr Me: I think I know what's going on with her...

Fireboymaroon5: and that is?

puppylover24234: Me: You know how I have my angel form...?

Fireboymaroon5: yeah

puppylover24234: Me: Got it last week. Havent been so evil since...

Fireboymaroon5: ...oh

Fireboymaroon5: *Mirror ends up chained to the ceiling*

puppylover24234: Me: So you get it?

Fireboymaroon5: kinda

puppylover24234: Mirror: Grr Me: Is something on fire?

Fireboymaroon5: .-.*walks to the kitchen and throws the cookies and stuff out the window*

puppylover24234: Mirror: *Tries to hit Mystery* Me: 0.0 *Under the couch again*

Fireboymaroon5: *chains mirror up again*...stop that

puppylover24234: Mirror: Not my mom!

Fireboymaroon5: *chain hits her*

puppylover24234: Me: Im gonna go... somewhere... *In the forest* Mirror: Grr

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