Untitled Part 25

63 1 11

Fireboymaroon5: ...

puppylover24234: ...

ladybug2050: ...

puppylover24234: Mew ^_^

Fireboymaroon5: ....*shoves a pancake in their mouths*:T

ladybug2050: :D

ladybug2050: OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM

puppylover24234: Blahhhhh! *Throws up*

Fireboymaroon5: ...D: why you no liike my pancakes?

ladybug2050: ?? why you throw up?

puppylover24234: Blahhhhhhhhhh *Still throwing up*

Fireboymaroon5: ...

ladybug2050: .......

Fireboymaroon5: maybe since i made them she doesn't like then :T

puppylover24234: *Stops throwing up* X_X I'll be in my room now... *Walks to my room at Freddy's*

Fireboymaroon5: .....yep that's it :3

puppylover24234: *Sick*

ladybug2050: I'm worried for her.

Fireboymaroon5: yep*walks off*

puppylover24234: *Takes a potion* Hopefully that helps...

Fireboymaroon5: *asleep on the floor again*zzz

ladybug2050: *sipping tea floating upside down*

puppylover24234: *Uses one of my cleaning spells and Freddy's gets cleaned up*

Fireboymaroon5: zz

puppylover24234: Much better..... *Teleports out of my room*

Fireboymaroon5: zzzz

puppylover24234: *The new night guard walks in* Hmm... he's early

Fireboymaroon5: :o i wanna kill him :D

puppylover24234: Later. Right now we need to get into our positions

ladybug2050: ok!

Fireboymaroon5: *position asleep*

ladybug2050: *position*

puppylover24234: *In my position in the cove*

Fireboymaroon5: zzzz

puppylover24234: *Whispers* Mellow! Go into kids' cove tonight!

ladybug2050: ok *goes to kids cove*

ladybug2050: Guard: *looking through cameras*

Fireboymaroon5: *standing infront of one*

puppylover24234: *Looks through the curtains*

ladybug2050: Guard: *jumps and keeps an eye out on the doors*

puppylover24234: *Steps out of the cove and opens a vent*

Fireboymaroon5: *walks into the hall and stares*

puppylover24234: *Climbs through the vents and into the office*

Fireboymaroon5: *walks next to the door*

Fireboymaroon5: *stands in the office and stares at the guard*

ladybug2050: Guard: *puts on the freddy head*

puppylover24234: *Standing behind the guard with an insane grin*

Fireboymaroon5: *teleports away*creepy ._.

ladybug2050: Guard:....*pulls the head off*

puppylover24234: *Flicks the guard*

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