Untitled Part 33

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Xxarwen: *Stuffing mouth with brownies* om nom nom

puppylover24234: *Not even breathing*

ladybug2050: F: *silent and watching for any movement and stuff*

puppylover24234: *Sneezes* GAHH! SO MUCH FREAKING DUST!

ladybug2050: F: *jumps at her* AHA! I WILL HAVE YER BOOTY!!!!!!

Xxarwen: *Walks out of the kitchen with brownies seeing Myst* Errm..

puppylover24234: O_O

puppylover24234: *Tries running away* NOOOOOO!!!!!

Xxarwen: *Stares at her while eating brownies* Hmm..

ladybug2050: F: *on top of myst pulling at her clothes*

puppylover24234: *Hitting him n the face

Xxarwen: Uhm..need help?

puppylover24234: DUH!

Xxarwen: *Kicks Foxy to the side as the phantoms hold him down*

ladybug2050: F: grrr *growls*

puppylover24234: Thanks! *Teleports into my room*

Xxarwen: *Sighs* Whatever..

Xxarwen: *Stares at him through my clockwork goggles* Hmm..

ladybug2050: F: *still growling*

Xxarwen: *Throws a gear at him*

ladybug2050: F: *gets hit in the face* ow...

Xxarwen: *Stares at him even more with a poker face*

puppylover24234: *Appears back downstairs wearing my turtleneck and a pair of jeans* No taking him apart

ladybug2050: F:..... I want yer booty

Xxarwen: Finee..

Xxarwen: And no.

ladybug2050: F: yes

puppylover24234: *Knocks him out and ties him up*

Xxarwen: Man, nothings fun around here anymore.. T_T

puppylover24234: Ehhh... sorry

Xxarwen: Whatever *Already working on a robot*

puppylover24234: T: *Throws Foxy in his room* Why are they living with us again?

Xxarwen: Idk..

Xxarwen: I've never seen them around the house though.

puppylover24234: Oh well...

puppylover24234: *Twirls around* I have

Xxarwen: Oh..

ladybug2050: maybe baby

Xxarwen: X3

ladybug2050: XD

ladybug2050: maybe baby.

Xxarwen: XD

puppylover24234: XD

puppylover24234: Wait..... that's not funny

ladybug2050: how is it not?

puppylover24234: I don't have a sense of humor...

Xxarwen: Oh whale then..

ladybug2050: XD

puppylover24234: T:

Xxarwen: What's the best nickname for Az btw? ^.^

puppylover24234: Princess

There. I updated. Happy? Btw, blame school for my lack of updates. Peace and love! I'll update again when I can!

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