Untitled Part 40

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Cypherdark1: *Moving into Mysts' beach house*

puppylover24234: *Helping*

Cypherdark1: Thanks

puppylover24234: No problem. It's the least I can do.

Cypherdark1: Thanks again.

puppylover24234: No problem.

Cypherdark1: That's the last thing.

puppylover24234: Alright. I'm gonna go enchant that door now.

Cypherdark1: Okay. Question. Where's the best place to put a library?

puppylover24234: Hmm.... the third floor. *Walks away*

Cypherdark1: Okay. *Has a 1 inch by 1 inch bag and goes up to the third floor*

puppylover24234: *Enchants the door and walks through it*

Cypherdark1: *A loud, startling bang can be heard*

puppylover24234: *Shrugs and walks down to my underground lab in my house*

Cypherdark1: *Walks through the enchanted door and falls over, asleep*

puppylover24234: *Walks back upstairs and takes my goggles off* You alright?

Cypherdark1: *Wakes up slightly* Yup. What's up with the goggles?

puppylover24234: I was in my lab.

Cypherdark1: Okay?

puppylover24234: *Something explodes* O_O *Runs back into my lab*

Cypherdark1: *Follows her*

puppylover24234: *Putting out a fire*

Cypherdark1: What was that

puppylover24234: An old experiment. *Picks up a fuzzy head* My mutant....

Cypherdark1: *Pats her back*

puppylover24234: *Sighs* That was fuzzys' clone... *Uses a cleaning spell and the body disappears*

Cypherdark1: Things explode. It's natural in this family.

puppylover24234: it is MY lab after all.

Cypherdark1: *Yawns*

puppylover24234: You should get some sleep.

Cypherdark1: Carry me?

puppylover24234: Why? We're over a trillion years old.

Cypherdark1: Because why not?

puppylover24234: *Sighs and carries him into his house*

Cypherdark1: Thanks.

puppylover24234: No problem. *Drops him on his bed and walks back into my house*

Cypherdark1: Zzzz

ladybug2050: *Drawing on a wall*

Screaming on the inside

Cypherdark1: *Cuddles Scarlett magically*

ladybug2050: XD *Continues drawing*

Cypherdark1: Zzzzz cuddle buddy Zzzz

ladybug2050: Huggle buddy ^^ *Walls are drawn on*

Cypherdark1: *Curls up into a ball*

ladybug2050: *Walks over to him and hugs him, then goes to bake, but goes back to drawing* :3

Cypherdark1: Cypher: *Shivers* Raina: *Asleep and shivering*

ladybug2050: ? Why is everyone cold?

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