Untitled Part 17

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Fireboymaroon5: *arm pops up*i can't think of anything :3

ladybug2050: welp that's you're problem fire! *kicks the arm*.... *cuddle cuddle*

puppylover24234: ;~;

ladybug2050: it's alright mystery, we are here for you.

Fireboymaroon5: ......that's kinda your problem too*picks up the silver arm and puts it over the shadows*

puppylover24234: *Crying silently*

ladybug2050: well I am not worrying about now fire! *still cuddling mystery* it's alright... It's alright..

Fireboymaroon5: hm....*gets up and runs into the house*i just had an idea that could help or do nothing :T

ladybug2050: and what would that idea be? *still cuddling*

puppylover24234: (And this is why you don't want me to be depressed. I'm unresponsive) *Still unresponsive*

Fireboymaroon5: *walks back with a really big chest*

Xxarwen: Wtf...? >.>

Fireboymaroon5: (what kinda chest are you thinking about?)

ladybug2050: (well that's what you are when you depressed I don't care if you tell us a cry but not telling us? I care... a lot)

Fireboymaroon5: (i meant the things that hold stuff not a chest :T)

puppylover24234: (T: *Le sigh*)

ladybug2050: (I mean it mystery. you've helped me more than I can count. I want to help you too.)

Xxarwen: (Oh xD)

ladybug2050: (IT'S TRUE!)

puppylover24234: (I've helped you?)

Fireboymaroon5: (you have)

ladybug2050: (uuuuh DUH!)

puppylover24234: (How?)

ladybug2050: (how about that one time when I felt sooo stupid and selfish that I was at the brink of tears? heck! I was crying! you helped me!)

puppylover24234: (...... wow......)

Fireboymaroon5: *drops some pictures infront of her*there :3

puppylover24234: *Still unresponsive*

Fireboymaroon5: not even gonna look at them?

ladybug2050: *still cuddling her*

Fireboymaroon5: alice help >-<

puppylover24234: ;~;

ladybug2050: *cuddle cuddle* yeah alice, help.

Xxarwen: Huh..

Fireboymaroon5: myst come on at least look at some of the pictures ;-;

puppylover24234: ;~;

ladybug2050: *cuddle cuddle*come on myst, I want you to feel better.

puppylover24234: ;~;

ladybug2050: where the heck is allen?

Fireboymaroon5: no idea

Fireboymaroon5: i think he's asleep......

ladybug2050: tch.... *sighs* is it bad that the next time I see him I will slap him?

puppylover24234: ;~;

Fireboymaroon5: *stares at myst*.............*holds up a picture of their wedding and stuff :T*

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