Untitled Part 38

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puppylover24234: Idk. *Mind is super blank* .............Cheese........

Longsuperkid7: XD

puppylover24234: *Face desk*

Longsuperkid7: Cheese is always an answer......

puppylover24234: XD Yes!

Longsuperkid7:But not in the question.

puppylover24234: Hmm...

puppylover24234: How much cheese is cheese when cheese is cheese?

Longsuperkid7: Hm.....Cheese

puppylover24234: XD Yup

puppylover24234: Hmmm...

Longsuperkid7: 'Drums in background'

puppylover24234: A-a-are you r-r-r-ready for F-f-freddy?!

Longsuperkid7: Wait what?

puppylover24234: XD

Longsuperkid7: :3

puppylover24234: :D

Longsuperkid7: Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

puppylover24234: L-l-let's R-rock!

Longsuperkid7: Here's a suggestion from pete

Longsuperkid7: Git Gud kid

puppylover24234: XD

puppylover24234: Oh dear! We're almost to the end of the show!


puppylover24234: L-l-let's EaT!

Longsuperkid7: A bomb was set and if the show ends with no progress it will set off!

puppylover24234: XD

puppylover24234: n-N-nO TimE L-l-LeFt!

Longsuperkid7: 'I'd throw the bomb at you, running for it ' Leave the children!

puppylover24234: *Disappears*

Longsuperkid7: 'When it blew up rainbows and unicorns came out the unicorns exploding into candy, a wormhole appeared suddenly' And that's how the world ended....

puppylover24234: XD

puppylover24234: That was anticlimactic.

Longsuperkid7: Mkayz

puppylover24234: :D

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