Untitled Part 6

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puppylover24234: (CALM DOWN LADY!)

ladybug2050: (WAAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ;-;)

puppylover24234: ........ *Gets back up and punches him, then walks away*

ladybug2050: (I CAN'T!!!!! ;-;)

watermelone5: *bleeds out of face*

puppylover24234: (Lady! Lady, look at me)

ladybug2050: ((*looks at her with alittle bit of a tear-y face*))

puppylover24234: (Deep breath)

watermelone5: *blood leaks out door in front of lady

ladybug2050: ............ (....*takes deep breath*)

watermelone5: (here eat this cookie)

puppylover24234: (And exhale slowly)

ladybug2050: (.......*exhales slowly and eats the cookie*.....)

puppylover24234: (Do that until you are calm)

ladybug2050: (.......*keeps doing it*....ok.. I'm calm....)

puppylover24234: (Good.)

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