Untitled Part 32

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crayrolly7: What are you doing running around?

puppylover24234: ........... *Mutters* Gonna go find Myst... *Walks out of the house*

crayrolly7: *waves*cya.

crayrolly7: *walks into kitchen and starts making lunch*

puppylover24234: *Walks through the woods*

bubba10112000: "Oh, I was just talking to Allen"

crayrolly7: Cool. How's he doing?

bubba10112000: "He was stabbed a few dozen times"

bubba10112000: "So, Normal

puppylover24234: Me: *Asleep in my tree* Storm: *Jumps into her tree and wakes her up* Me: Ehhhh? Storm: I need to talk to you....

crayrolly7: Ah. Sounds normal.

crayrolly7: XD

puppylover24234: ~After an hour of talking to Myst~

crayrolly7: *starts dancing around randomly*

puppylover24234: Me: Annnnnnnnnnnnnd you should just do it... Storm: Okay...

crayrolly7: *cleans up pack mansion and starts putting some of the pups down for naps*

puppylover24234: Storm: *Runs to the pack mansion*

bubba10112000: Me: *Helping to put them asleep*

puppylover24234: Storm: Oh.... hello, Allen

crayrolly7: Shh..

puppylover24234: Storm: ...............

crayrolly7: *closes door behind me*

crayrolly7: Ok go ahead. ^^

crayrolly7: *walks off to pick up a mess*

puppylover24234: Storm: *Follows her* ..........

crayrolly7: Want something to eat?

puppylover24234: Storm: Uhh.... no thanks.... I actually wanted to talk to you.

crayrolly7: *looks up*

crayrolly7: About?

puppylover24234: Storm: Alpha, I challenge you to a battle

bubba10112000: *He walks into the kitchen and drops a plate when he hears her*

crayrolly7: 0.0

crayrolly7: Uh...

puppylover24234: Storm: Do you accept?

crayrolly7: *nods still in shock*

puppylover24234: Storm: We'll fight at sun down then *Walks away*

crayrolly7: *sits staring as she walks out*

bubba10112000: He picks up the shattered plate and walked to Dani

crayrolly7: Uh....

crayrolly7: *puts away some left over food and cleans dishes*

puppylover24234: Me: *Sitting in my tree drawing*

bubba10112000: He hands her his sword "You should train"

bubba10112000: "Azandy is a Sword with a Warring Soul"

crayrolly7: *stares at the blade*

bubba10112000: "Azandy, Listen to her"

crayrolly7: *watches the sword glint in the light*

puppylover24234: Storm: *Tackles her and we both fall out of the tree* MYST! Me: ........... Yes? Storm: Train me!

crayrolly7: But I don't even know how to hold the sword..

bubba10112000: Allen: *Falls out of the tree aswell*

puppylover24234: Me: ..............

crayrolly7: *holds sword in both hands and holds level in front of me*

puppylover24234: Me: I'll train you, Storm...

bubba10112000: "I'll show you"

puppylover24234: Both: *Jumps back*

puppylover24234: Both: Why are you asleep on the ground?

bubba10112000: Allen:"Eh?"

puppylover24234: Me: *Helps him up* You okay?

bubba10112000: *Is sorta loopy from being slapped*

puppylover24234: Me: I don't hit that hard

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