Untitled Part 37

37 0 9

puppylover24234: *Most intense stare ever* NO. KILLING. ANYONE.

bubba10112000: Meep

puppylover24234: :D I win

bubba10112000: *disappears*

longsuperkid7: -In a middle of a room, vision blurry and every thing spinning for me-

puppylover24234: *Standing on the ceiling*

longsuperkid7: Wtf is happening?

longsuperkid7: -I have spear in my hand-

longsuperkid7: /Spear i choose you!

puppylover24234: Ehhh...

longsuperkid7: -I throw my spear compltely missing you

longsuperkid7: I hit the floor-

longsuperkid7: I win!

puppylover24234: O_O *Checks his pulse*

longsuperkid7: -I slap you-

puppylover24234: O_O

longsuperkid7: /-I fly away-

puppylover24234: *Backs away slowly*

longsuperkid7: Slap my hand!

longsuperkid7: /Slap it now!

longsuperkid7: Trust me this is not a trick!

longsuperkid7: ?

puppylover24234: O_O *Teleports to the planet Starna*

longsuperkid7: );

bubba10112000: *reappears*

longsuperkid7: -I turn into you-

bubba10112000: Myst. Duck

longsuperkid7: -I turn into Allen-

bubba10112000: ....

longsuperkid7: -I slap you- Muhahahaha

bubba10112000: Hmm, Nift-

bubba10112000: *My eyes turn red*

puppylover24234: Ehhh....

longsuperkid7: Slap my hand

longsuperkid7: Slap it now

longsuperkid7: /Trust me

longsuperkid7: This is not a trick -I throw a knive away-

bubba10112000: *Punches a hole through Long's chest*

longsuperkid7: Ok or not.

longsuperkid7: -I turn into abunch of birds with my face-

longsuperkid7: But im the doctor

longsuperkid7: You cant touch me

longsuperkid7: Cant touch this nanana na nana cant touch this

puppylover24234: ..............

longsuperkid7: Nanana nana nana cant touch this

bubba10112000: Is that what you think?

longsuperkid7: J-j-j-j- just like the bad guy from lethal weapon 2-

bubba10112000: *I pull my gattling-shotgun from Nowhere*

longsuperkid7: -I fly away scared-

puppylover24234: *Rocks in a corner of the training center* Thisisnormalthisisnormalthisisnormal...

bubba10112000: *Starts shooting at all the birds*

bubba10112000: HAHAHAHAHA

longsuperkid7: -I come up to you and i am holding a rock-

longsuperkid7: /-I eat the rock-

bubba10112000: *Throws a frog plushie at Super*

longsuperkid7: Cant touch this nananana nana nana cant touch this

puppylover24234: Thisisnormalthisisnormalthisisnormalthisisnormal

bubba10112000: *A feather stabs Super's hand*

(I don't even know...)

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