bubba10112000: *Stabs him again*
puppylover24234: *Displeased face*
bubba10112000: It may get really cold, Love
puppylover24234: What?????????
Fireboymaroon5: x.x
bubba10112000: *Ice wedges between the dress and Myst's skin*
puppylover24234: O_O
Fireboymaroon5: x.x
bubba10112000: See, Cold
puppylover24234: O_O
Fireboymaroon5: *shoves a cookie in allen's face:3
puppylover24234: (XD)
Fireboymaroon5: (eats it)
bubba10112000: *Spits the cookie out*
puppylover24234: X_X Cold
bubba10112000: Now, Not trying to be a perv
puppylover24234: Uhhhh?
bubba10112000: *Starts pulling off her dress*
puppylover24234: O_O
Fireboymaroon5: ...i'm no longer the pervy one
puppylover24234: EEEEP!
Fireboymaroon5: i have nothing to say to that
puppylover24234: O_O
Fireboymaroon5: ...are you done of it that one of those really big thick dresses?
puppylover24234: It is
Fireboymaroon5: good for you
puppylover24234: *Dress turns neon blue* ;~;
Fireboymaroon5: ...name all the collors you guys hate
bubba10112000: *Dress finally rips and comes off*
puppylover24234: Any neon color and pink
Fireboymaroon5: .....hm*walks away*
puppylover24234: Still freaking cold
bubba10112000: *Gives her my shirt*
bubba10112000: The ice is gonna melt soon
puppylover24234: *Puts it on and teleports into my room*
Fireboymaroon5: and now the waiting game*elevator music plays*
puppylover24234: *Teleports back downstairs in jeans and a sweater* Cold T:
bubba10112000: Sorry
Fireboymaroon5: ...*throws a random grenade at allen*
Fireboymaroon5: :P
puppylover24234: It's fine T:
bubba10112000: *Walks into the gym*
Fireboymaroon5: ...nobody noticed that?
puppylover24234: I did
Amyravenclaw: Hai hai!
Fireboymaroon5: hiya
puppylover24234: Hello
bubba10112000: Another room will be needed
puppylover24234: It'll be created in an hour
puppylover24234: *Burns the color changing dress* I HATE YOU DRESS!
Fireboymaroon5: ...why you hate dresses anyways?
RandomThis is just a big confusing book of randomness. You can thank Scarlettismahname, AllenWarLight, Deathisinteresting, Alice Soul, and yours truly. DISCLAIMER! I give credit to the original owner of any pictures or songs that I use.