What is love?

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Shigure had finished unpacking in a matter of minutes. It was not hard for him to get his things in order, considering the few items he brought with him. He did, however, bring along some decorations for his room. He taped up two posters of bands that he liked. The names escape me and I couldn't describe the look of the posters even if I wanted to. They were gory and vulgar with vibrant splashes of color. He hung them on the wall beside his bed. He also brought a lamp with him and placed it on his bedside table. 

"I'm done," he announced. 

I was leaning my chin against his desk, staring through the window at the crowded campus. I sat upright and swiveled around in the chair to examine his room. 

"Those posters are hideous." I looked away from them immediately, unable to regard them the way he did.

"They're perfect." 

I turned back towards the window. Shigure's room faced the entrance of the school. I noticed that the driver from the estate had left. I was supposed to call him when I needed to be picked up. I didn't want to go back to the estate, though. 

A shadow fell over me then my head got pushed forward when something leaned against the back of it. Shigure was standing over me, opening the window in front of me to let the fresh air in. He was so close I could smell his cologne and hear him breathing.  

"I could have done that," I scoffed. 

Shigure patted the top of my head as he gazed out the window. "I know." 

He jumped onto the top of his desk and fished through his pocket for something. 

"A-ha," he whispered to himself when he took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. 

My eyes widened. "You smoke?" 

He placed a cigarette between his lips and lit the end of it carefully. "Only at school," he replied, a cloud of smoke escaping his mouth. He took another drag then looked out of the window again. 

"Smoking is bad for you, though." 

The look on his face showed that he already knew this and that is exactly why he was doing it. "Yes, it's terrible for you." He took the cigarette out of his mouth and examined it as a gentle stream of smoke poured out of the lit end. I was oddly mesmerized by it. The part that I found odd was that I only liked seeing it now that Shigure was holding it. His fingers were long and thin, sort of dainty-looking. They held the cigarette perfectly, like they were built to support something of that nature. 

"What is it? You're looking at me like you don't recognize me." 

My eyes met his. I couldn't tell him why I was looking at him that way. I felt my face flush, something I hadn't felt for a long time. I sat back in the chair, folding my arms over my chest to try and keep my cool. "I was just spacing out," I replied, feeling my cheeks heat up as my heart thumped in my chest. I took another peek at his hand then looked away, vowing to never look at him that way again. 

Shigure chuckled. "Are you tired or something?" He balanced his cigarette between his lips. 

I shrugged, chewing the inside of my mouth nervously as my hands gripped the fabric of my coat. "Not really." 

Shigure nodded and looked out the window again, drumming his fingers against the desk. I was looking at his hands again. I averted my eyes and stood up suddenly. 

"I'm going to see if Tori finished unpacking yet," I told him. 

He smirked and a faint laughter came out. "Alright then. Do you want me to come---" 

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