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Picture above....... Hunter's Wolf

Cameron's POV……….

I stared at the massive beast before me, unable to believe my own eyes. As I continued to stare at the beast that was once Hunter, the wolf before me took hesitant steps towards me. I gasped as it lowered it's massive head and bumped it's face against my own. It was all that I could do not to whimper out in fear.

The wolf kept nuzzling at me as I laid prone on the ground. I was surprised at the texture of it's fur. But I shouldn't have been. It had the same silky smooth texture as Hunter's hair. I lifted my hand hesitantly and stroked my fingers gently through his fur. I watch as he closed his eyes and savoured my touch. I smiled at him. His response to my touch embolden me and I sat up, using both of my hands to run all over him, as much of him as I could reach, given the immensity of his massive form. "Your amazing, incredible and absolutely beautiful." I said in awe as I marvelled at him.

He seemed to huff at me, whether in agreement or not, I couldn't tell. He gave me a wolfie grin before turning away and shifting back to human. I hurriedly got up and dusted of the seat of my pants. I waited for him to get dressed again. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso from behind, kissing in-between his shoulder blades. He clutched my hands to his chest and said to me over his shoulder, "Lets go back inside. There is more that I have to tell you."

I dreaded hearing what else he had to tell me. He must know that him being a werewolf was not a deterrent for us to be together. I didn't care about that. Actually I thought it was pretty cool. He turned to face me and capturing my hands brought them to his lips, placing tender kisses on them alternately. "Come, it 's getting cold. Lets go in." He sounded defeated, tired. He didn't release my hand, he linked our fingers and we walked side by side into the cabin.

Third person POV………..

Hunter led Cameron inside the cabin, his steps those of a man dreading the task ahead. Upon reaching the lounge, Hunter sat on the couch and pulled Cameron down to sit beside him. "Please, what I have to tell you is important, save all your questions until I'm done. Promise me". Hunter stared into Cameron's eyes pleadingly. "I promise." Cameron nodded.

"Before there was man, there was what humans now refer to as the super naturals. We are the children of the Gods. The product of the Gods trying to out do each other with their creations. Before they new it there were more Supernatural beings running around on this earth than any of them had bargained for and we were all natural enemies. My kind are called shifters, we are the most prolific of all super naturals especially the wolves through the blessing of the Moon Goddess herself." Hunter began.

Hunter told Cameron of the struggles and wars between the different supernatural races, vampires, faeries, other shifters such as bears, tigers, lions, pumas, and jaguars just to name a few. Lines were drawn, sides were taken and alliances formed all because of some super naturals believing that it was their right to rule, to conquer and enslave not just the supernatural world, but also the world of man. There were many super naturals that joined with them. But there were even more that stood against them, that fought for both their own freedom and the freedom of man.

The Gods and Goddesses seeing the destruction being wrought by the creatures that they had created, decided to put an end to it by blessing two extraordinary wolves that were true mates with a very special child. A thrice blessed child, that would have the power to bring the supernatural world to it's knees. He would be the ALPHA of all Alphas. The KING of Wolves. He would sit upon the THRONE of Wolves. All would bow before him. Him and him alone would be able to put a stop to the endless wars that had raged on for centuries, threatening the supernatural world with extinction.

Hunter told of his life. His life filled with tragedy and many sacrifices to bring peace to the supernatural world. A peace that they were all now enjoying. However it wasn’t an uneasy kind of peace. It stood precariously on a needle point and any shift or tilt in the wrong direction could destroy it. War would erupt once more, like a match in a powder keg. Something that he couldn't allow to happen, not again.

Supernatural beings were by their very nature, volatile, over sensitive creatures that easily took offense to any perceived slight. And Hunter breaking his long term relationship and subsequent engagement to Bethany may just be that match. Her clan was the second most powerful in the supernatural world. Second only to the royals.

Hunter explained that any move to break the marriage contract, would be perceived as an offense and retribution would be sought. Even if he was breaking the contract to be with his true mate. It would not be accepted by them. It would pit them against the crown and once again war would erupt and many lives would be lost. Innocent people would be caught in the crossfire, as all in the supernatural world would be forced to pick a side. Families would be torn apart, friendships would be tested.

Hunter grew quiet as he finished, waiting for Cameron to say something. Cameron was stunned. He just sat there in complete silence, digesting what he had just been told. Suddenly he sprang up from the couch, he started pacing frantically, his mind in turmoil. Hunter continued to watch him in nervous silence.

Cameron whirled towards Hunter, "Let me get this straight, you are a werewolf but not just any werewolf. You are the King of wolves and if I understood you correctly I am what you referred to as your true mate."

Hunter got up from the couch and approached Cameron slowly. He cupped his cheeks and looked deeply into his eyes, "Yes. I am the King of wolves and yes Cameron Cavanaugh as impossible as it may be, you are indeed my true mate."

Cameron closed his eyes and leaned into Hunter's touch, "Is that why I feel this way? Is that the reason why the very thought of not being with you manifest itself into a physical ache in my chest. Why since I've met you I have barely been able to catch my breath. Your very touch sends sparks of electricity through my entire body, causing my desire for you to smoulder in my core." Cameron opened his eyes and looked up at Hunter, his every emotion laid bare for Hunter to see.

"Yes. You are my true mate. The one designed and fashioned by the Moon Goddess herself just for me and no other. I have lived centuries Cameron, there is no realm that I haven't searched for you, no place on earth that I haven't explored in my drive and my need to find you.. I thought that I was destined for an existence without you being who I am. But suddenly, now when I wasn't looking, when I have already made a pact that I cannot break, suddenly here you are."

Hunter turned and walked away from Cameron over to the fire place. He stared into the fire, his entire body held rigidly tense, fists clenched and muscled bunched. Inside he raged, he burned, he ached. He couldn't fathom  living without Cameron, but he really had no choice. He had nothing to offer him. He couldn't offer him any kind of promises for the future, and certainly no happy endings. Despair filled him and his head bowed and his shoulders slumped in defeat. He was going to lose his mate.

Cameron couldn't see Hunter's face because his naked back was turned towards him. Yet somehow he knew. Some instinct within him just knew exactly what Hunter was feeling and thinking. Maybe it was the mate bond that was already being formed, whatever it was, it propelled him into motion and he rushed, stumbling somewhat over towards Hunter.

Cameron wrapped his arms around Hunter's torso and pressed himself desperately against him, "I know what you're thinking and you can just stop it right now Hunter Hawkthorne, because I am not going anywhere."

Hunter turned in his arms and gently eased Cameron away from him holding him at arms length. His emotional turmoil written all over his face for Cameron to see. Before he could say anything Cameron rushed on desperately "I know you're getting married, but that's not for a few more months. Until then we can still be together no one has to know. We can even try and figure out how to end the engagement without starting a war. All I'm saying is that we can't just walk away from each other. You can't just give up on us. You said it yourself, you've waited centuries. Now I'm here. Please don't push me away."

Cameron broke, sobbing and slowly collapsed to the floor, his hands clutching at Hunter's arms in desperation. Hunter looked down at his mate and his wolf howled within him mournfully at seeing their mate so broken.

Throwing all caution to the wind, all reason out the door, ignoring all rational thought that was telling him to walk away, that this was for the best, Hunter knelt down my his sobbing mate and gathered him into his arms. He placed a finger beneath his chin and ever so gently tilted his face upwards. Looking into Cameron's tear stained face and pain filled eyes, he gently kissed his lips then said huskily, "You're mine and I'm yours. I'm not going anywhere."

Words that damned them both.

His Secret Love Child (Book One of the LOVE CHILD series)Where stories live. Discover now