Chapter Seventeen "A SHARED DESTINY"

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At the sight of Liam's unconditional acceptance of his father, Cameron broke. A choked sob escaped his lips unbidden. Rafe, seeing his distress, embraced him comfortingly. Rubbing soothing circles into his back and cooing to him softly. Rafe kissed his temple and stroked his hand through his hair. "It's alright." He whispered in a soothing, gentle voice.

Hunter, witnessing their closeness and obvious affection towards each other, barely supressed the vicious snarl that threatened to erupt from his suddenly heaving chest. Ares, his wolf was livid at the sight of Rafe holding Cameron, their mate. Hunter barely held on to the leash that he had on his wolf. This was not the time or place for a confrontation. It would scare his son, also he might get hurt.

Rafe smirked at Hunter over Cameron's shoulder. Clearly enjoying the sight of Hunter fighting to hold back his rage at the sight before him. Rafe taunted Hunter even more by pulling back from Cameron, framing his face in his hands and giving him a kiss on the lips then embracing him once more. He knew this action would send Hunter's rage through the stratosphere.

Hunter closed his eyes and turned away from the sight of Cameron and Rafe embracing. It was as he feared. Cameron had moved on. He was now in the arms of another man. Hunter's heart ached at the realization that he had no right to Cameron. He didn't even have the right to be jealous or angry. The fact was, that everything was his own fault. The loss of his mate and the separation from his son.

Sensing his father's sudden distress, Liam raised his head and looked down at him quizzically, concern marring his features. Hunter kissed him in reassurance, "I'm ok, son. Don't worry. Just happy to finally be holding you."

Liam looked at him for a second longer, before laying back his head on his father's shoulder and closing his eyes. His breathing evened out within minutes and his tired body succumbed to the most restful, peaceful sleep he'd had in weeks.

After taking a few moments to compose himself and to bring his emotions back under control, Hunter turned to Cameron and said. "We should get going. Clearly he needs his rest." Cameron reached for Liam, "Here, I'll take him." His voice still not quite his own.

Hunter wasn't ready to relinquish his son, not yet. “It’s ok. He's fine where he is. I have a car waiting for us. I'll take you home." Hunter's voice clearly said this issue wasn't up for discussion. Cameron, over tired and emotionally and physically exhausted decided not to argue. He had after all brought Liam back to see Hunter.

They all bundled into the back of the Limo that Hunter had waiting. Liam slept on, comfortably at peace in his father's embrace. Oblivious to the tension emanating off the men sitting in the limo with him. Cameron sat beside Rafe, though not touching him. He sensed that Hunter was barely holding on to his anger and decided not to provoke the beast lying just beneath the surface.

No one spoke. Hunter kept his eyes glued to his son's face. Refusing to look up, in case he was met by another expression of the affections that clearly existed between Rafe and Cameron. Rafe on the other hand, kept watching Hunter, his expression enigmatic. Cameron just stared out the windows of the Limo, not that he could see anything out the darkened windows.

After what seemed like for ever, especially to Cameron, who's nerves where stretched to beyond breaking by the tension in the Limo, they pulled to a stop. As the doors opened Cameron hastened to get out. He needed air, he felt as if the tension was suffocating him. He was halted in his tracks when his eyes fell, not on his parents home, but on the Hawkthorne Mansion.

He whirled around to face Hunter, "What're are you playing at Hunter? Why did you bring us here?" Cameron was incredulous. He couldn't believe that Hunter would have such disregard for his feelings. Before he could let loose his anger at Hunter, he was forestalled by Hunter saying, "It's ok. Bethany isn't here. She won't be coming back." Hunter's mouth was set in a grim line as he said this.

He didn't wait for Cameron's reaction or response to his statement about Bethany, he strode away from them swiftly taking Liam inside out of the cold Autumn night air. Cameron and Rafe was left with no choice but to follow him.

Once inside the mansion they were greeted by both Cameron's and Hunter's anxiously waiting parents and Throne. Throne had ensured that the mansion was practically empty. Only the most trusted wolves remained to offer extra protection for Cameron and Liam. Hunter wasn't taking any chances with their safety.


It was an emotional reunion between Cameron and his parents. Cameron was surprised to learn that both Hunter and Thorne had told his parents the truth about themselves and the existence of super naturals. He was extremely thankful for this fact though. He had been dreading explaining to them about Super naturals and Liam's existence. All in the room were eager to meet Liam, both sets of grandparents couldn't keep their eyes off the little boy fast asleep in his father's arms. But they knew that they would have to wait. They watched as Hunter repeatedly buried his face in Liam's neck and inhaled his scent deeply. They new that he had no intention of relinquishing his hold on his son any time soon.

Awhile later exhaustion finally caught up with Cameron, he started yawning as sleep threatened. After his fourth consecutive yawn. Hunter's parents ushered him off to bed. Thorne got up to lead both Cameron and his parents to guests rooms that had been prepared for them. Cameron turned to Hunter. Hunter's back was to the room, he hadn't participated in the chatter that had been taking place.

Instead he had focused all his attentions on Liam, blocking out everything else. He had started humming softly to him, and swaying gently, rubbing soothing circles into his back and slowly bringing Ares to the surface so that he could bond with his pup. Opening up his mind and gently connecting with Liam's own mind in sleep. It was best this way. In sleep Liam's mind was more relaxed and open.

Both Thorne and Hunter's parents realized what was happening and forestalled Cameron from interrupting him. As Cameron opened his mouth to get Hunter's attention, Thorne and Hunter's parents grabbed his arm, "No, don't" Thorne whispered. "He's bonding with him. It is better in sleep. Liam's mind is more relaxed and open now. It's best this way. It won't scare him when Hunter connects with him mentally and speaks into his mind for the first time. He will also let Ares speak and bond with him too."

Cameron looked back over at Hunter and their son, realizing that Hunter had indeed zoned out. Cameron swivelled his eyes over to Rafe raising a quizzical brow in question. Rafe nodded imperceptibly. At this Cameron turned back to Thorne, "Ok." He gave one last look at Hunter and Liam before following Thorne out of the room.


Hunter stood there for hours, completely oblivious to his surroundings as he mentally bonded and communicated with Liam in his sleep. Rafe gently closed the doors and stood before it protectively. He had no intention of letting anyone or anything into the room to disturb Hunter in his bonding with Liam. Rafe knew that this was imperative to Liam's well being and recovery.

Suddenly and without warning Hunter finally spoke. "What is your relationship to my mate?" His voice held a deadly menace. Rafe didn't respond to the question. Instead he sighed and said, "Call Thorne to come get Liam. Let him finish sleeping in his bed."

Hunter didn't bother to acknowledge Rafe's words. He mind linked Thorne to come get Liam. Minutes later Thorne entered the room, going swiftly over to Hunter he ignored the rising tensions in the room. Taking Liam from Hunter, Thorne said, "I'll put him the room next to Cameron's."

"No. Put him in my room. He'll rest better with my scent around him." Hunter's voice was a low growl. His eyes trained on Rafe. Thorne nodded his head and quickly left the room with Liam. He did not want to be caught up in the middle between Hunter and Rafe.

At Thorne's hasty exit, Rafe closed the door and slowly turned to face Hunter. Their eyes met and held. Hunter's eyes glowed golden. Rafe's turned a deep blood red. They both emitted deep growls. Growls that seemed to erupt from the very depths of their souls.

Their rivalry in the supernatural world was legendary. Hunter and Rafe were what you would call natural enemies. One was a werewolf and the other an ancient vampire.
One the ALPHA of Alpha's and the other the KING of Vampires.

Many enemies of both have tried to use this against them. Often times trying to pit them against each other. Of course this did nothing to help the distrust and hate between them. Many misunderstandings over the years have led to them harbouring a great deal of enmity towards each other.

It's been said by many that putting the two of them in the same country was a recipe for disaster not to mention the same room. They always inevitably clash and woe be unto anyone that got caught in the middle or even worst tried to intervene. They both just loved to hate each other.

But unbeknownst to them, they both shared the same destiny. They always have and now it was on a convergence point. A destiny that they both needed to accept and do so quickly or all would be lost. And the one that they both loved would be the one to pay most dearly.

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