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Picture above Tom Welling as HUNTER HAWKTORNE

CAMERON'S POV.............

I stared at what could only be described as a sex god on steroids walking towards us. Hunter Hawkthorne moved with the lithe inherent grace of a natural predator. My eyes travelled up his body, taking a note of every single little detail about him. He was dressed in black cargo shorts and an open white button up shirt, that left his entire torso for viewing by my hungry eye. He was tall, around 6 feet 5" maybe an inch or two taller and he exuded power. Even from where I was sitting, the sense of barely restrained power came off him in waves. This was not a man to mess with. I was completely mesmerized by him. He commanded my entire attention.

From his long, obviously well muscled legs and thighs, to his trim waist that sported a defined V, up towards his broad chest with a defined 8 pack to his broad perfectly squared shoulders. My eyes moved up of their own accord to view his face. Only one word could describe the face that I was looking at "Perfection". I gulped audibly as I took in his features. His square chin, which had a small indentation, to his strong jaw and defined cheek bones, his full kissable lips to his aristocratic nose. I forced myself to not look into his eyes, I wasn't ready for that yet. I was afraid of what I would see. I did take note of his dark brows and hair. His hair was black as midnight, so black that when hit by the sun directly, it shone with blue highlights and it was naturally waved and silky smooth.

I was brought out of my trance like state by Thorne whispering my name urgently into my ear to get my attention. I shook my head and tore my gaze away from Hunter. "What?" I asked, feeling a bit dazed. Thorne looked at me, realization dawning in his eyes. I immediately felt defensive and tried to school my features into one of neutrality. He wasn't fooled however and gave me a look that said "we'll talk about this later."

I picked up my glass of juice and drank deeply, trying to calm myself down. I watched enviously as Hunter greeted Bethany with a kiss and took a seat beside her, draping his arm across the back of her chair. Hunter looked over at me and smiled slightly saying, "so who do we have here?"

"This is my new friend that I have been telling you about, Cameron. Cameron this is my brother Hunter". Thorne replied.

Hunter extended his hand across the table in greeting. I looked at his hand for a moment, terrified to touch him. I steeled myself, before extending my own hand. Hunter clasped my hand in a warm, firm handshake. As our hands touched a sudden spark of electricity erupted in our joined hands. It travelled up my arm to the rest of my body and caused a delicious shiver to go down my spine. The problem that had developed in my pants at my first sight of him, was suddenly intensified tenfold.

I was so shocked that without any conscious thought on my part, I snapped my eyes up to his, finally making eye contact. Once again I was awestruck. His eyes were the deepest of emerald greens with little flecks of gold. They had a natural glint and sparkle to them. I became totally lost in his eyes. It was like nothing and no one else mattered. Everything around us disappeared. Time suddenly had no meaning. I felt weightless, as if I was floating and nothing in the world could hurt me, because he would always protect me.

As I continued to stare into his eyes they momentarily flashed golden before returning to their natural colour. I gasped and dropped his hand in shock. I continued to stare at him, wondering if he had felt the spark of electricity too, also wondering if I was seeing things.

We were brought back to the present by Thorne's dad. "Soooo, that was an unexpected surprise." He said. We all turned to look at him, me wondering what he was talking about and the others with expressions that I couldn't even begin to decipher.

His Secret Love Child (Book One of the LOVE CHILD series)Where stories live. Discover now