Chapter Fifteen "FULL CIRCLE"

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Picture above little Liam...............He is just too cute

Present Day........................

"Cameron, Cameron wake up." Cameron was jolted out of his fitful sleep on the plane. He looked around bewildered for a moment before focusing on his companion. "Rafe, what time is it?" His voice was scratchy and still held remnants of sleep. Rafe checked his watch "It's late. We're almost there. We'll land in about twenty minutes, put your seatbelt on."

Cameron was startled at this news, "Why the hell did you let me sleep for the entire flight? What if Liam had needed me? What if something had happened?" His voice rose with every word, as his fear and worry for Liam, his son broke through.

"Calm down man. I let you sleep because you needed it ok." Rafe tried to reason with him, his voice low and soothing. "Liam is fine. He also slept for most of the flight and the nurse was with him all the time. Now relax."

Cameron slumped back into his seat and fastened his seatbelt. He regretted his outburst at Rafe. He knew Rafe wouldn’t let anything happen to Liam. He stared out of the Jet's window at the night sky which was illuminated by the lights of the city. A city that he had walked away from ten years ago. The city that held the man he loved, the man who still owned his heart. A man that had ripped his heart out of his chest. That same man had given him the most precious gift possible. His son.

At this moment he was racing towards Hunter praying that he would be able to save their son. Three months ago Liam had suddenly taken ill with a high fever that had raged for hours. For a child that had never even had so much as the common cold, this occurrence had worried Cameron instantly. However Liam seemed to recover quickly and Cameron brushed it off as just a fluke.

But then a week later Liam collapsed at school. The mysterious fever had returned with a vengeance. Liam was rushed to the hospital and had been hospitalized ever since. No one knew what the source of the fever was. At first the doctors thought it may be the result of an infection. But then tests after test all came back negative and Liam didn't seem to be getting any better.

Cameron watched helplessly as his son wasted away, as he literally burned from the inside out. It was all that the doctors could do to try and control his raging temperature. It became difficult to touch him as he would cry out in pain. Mysterious bruises appeared all over him and his entire body was in constant pain. The fever literally ravaged the boys' body.

The doctors told him that there was nothing more that they could do, except try and keep him as comfortable as possible. Cameron refused to accept that he was going to lose his son. At this news Cameron had gone home and retrieved a number that he hadn't called in ten years.

He called his parents. To say that they were both surprised and overjoyed to hear from him after ten years of silence would be an understatement. When Cameron had left Cromwell, he had cut all ties with everyone, even his own parents. Both of his parents had given up on ever hearing from him again. After he had left with nothing but a cursory note, they done everything to try and find him, but to no avail. Now they were waiting for him at the airport.

Cameron recalled how both his mother and father had burst into tears at the sound of his voice. They had cried even harder when he told them that he was coming home. He was grateful that they hadn’t bombarded him with any questions or sought any answers. He wasn’t ready to answer their questions or give them the answers that they needed. Especially over the phone. There would be time enough for that when he arrived back in Cromwell.

After the plane landed Cameron made his way to the bedroom to see Liam. The nurse looked over her shoulder at him as the door clicked closed. She smiled "He's awake now. He slept for most of the flight." Her voice was low. Cameron walked over to the bed and smiled down at his son "Hey buddy, we're here. Ready to meet grandma and grandpa?" Liam returned his father's smile with a slight one of his own "Yeah." His voice was weak.

Cameron looked over at the nurse worriedly. His son's strength was fading faster every day. He worried that he had waited too long to bring him back to Cromwell, back to Hunter, the one man who could possibly save him even though Hunter knew nothing of his existence.

Liam's existence was a secret that Cameron had every intention of taking to his grave. But Liam was deathly ill and no one knew what was wrong with him. Cameron was left with no other choice but to bring Liam back to Hunter and reveal the secret that he had kept for ten years. Hunter's first born son. The true heir to the THRONE OF WOLVES.

After disembarking and clearing through customs, Cameron looked around for his parents. He was pushing the wheel chair that Liam was seated in and Rafe was carrying their bags. Reaching the waiting area where he expected his parents to be waiting for him Cameron froze as his eyes fell on Hunter. The last person that he expected to see.

Their eyes met and held across the short distance that separated them. Hunter's eyes filled with an emotion that Cameron couldn't quite decipher. Cameron couldn't move as Hunter started walking towards them. It was as if everything had slowed down and everyone had disappeared. Even the sound of the people milling around greeting each other faded into the background. It was only them. Nothing and no one else existed for that moment in time.

Cameron was jostled out of his shocked frozen state by Liam tugging insistently on his hand. Cameron shook his head and broke eye contact with Hunter and looked down at their son. He was glad for the slight reprieve. He really wasn't ready to face him. Not yet. And certainly not here."What is it buddy? You ok?" He questioned earnestly.

Before Liam could reply Hunter came to a stop before them. Cameron continued to stare down at Liam, he really didn't want to meet Hunter's eyes again. "Hello Cameron." Hunter's voice was thick with emotions that he couldn't express, not here and not yet.

Cameron swallowed audibly as the sound of Hunter's voice brushed against nerve endings that he had long supressed, stirring memories that he had struggled hard to forget. He slowly raised his head and looked once again into eyes that had haunted his dreams for the past ten years. "Hunter." He breathed out.

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