Chapter Thirty-Three "Taken"

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Hi my beautiful readers and followers. Thanks for all the votes and comments. I will be turning this book into a trilogy. So continue to read and enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Back at Hawkthorne Mansion, Hunter, Rafe and Cameron were awaiting the arrival of the Council, not being aware of all the drama that had taken place. In anticipation of the council's visit they had all taken a decision to send the children away. They did not want the children anywhere near the mansion should a fight break out between Hunter, Rafe and the High Council when they arrived. Hunter of course had no intention of bowing to their demands to reinstate Bethany as his wife and Queen.

Th decision to send the kids away  would be one that they would all come to regret. Unbeknownst to them they were sending Liam right into the arms of the enemy. Gerard in his rage and arrogance to prove that he wasn't scared or fazed by Vladimir Drago's visit, and with the deep seated desire to inflict pain upon Hunter in anyway possible had given an order that would see Hunter being brought to his knees with soul crushing desperation, worry, fear and being filled with an all consuming guilt.


Thorne had been charged with protecting the children.

They all arrived in Italy safely and as Thorne drove along the winding mountain road leading to Rafe's Castle, there was suddenly a loud noise, it sounded like an explosion. The car suddenly swerved hard and Thorne realized that the tire had been blown out. "Oh shit.!!" Thorne exclaimed, as he struggled to control the car. Then he heard the explosive sound again. Another tire was blown out and this caused him to lose complete control of the car. "Kids, brace yourself. We're going to flip!!!"

The car went airborne, then somersaulted, before flipping and rolling down the side of the mountain. The kids screamed, as the car rolled. The car came to a stop on the edge of a precipice with the wheels spinning in the air. One wrong move and they would all plunge to their deaths.

The men that had attacked the car, converged on it quickly, checking for signs of life. They made quick work of ripping off the doors and pulling Liam from the car. He was their target. Their orders, to take him by any means necessary. Thorne was out cold and the twins struggled to get out of their seatbelts as they watched helplessly as their brother was taken from the car.

But Liam was Hunter's son, and like his father he wasn't about to go quietly or be taken without a fight. As the men pulled him from the car, Liam phased and unleashed Hades, his wolf. His sudden phasing caught the men off guard and Liam using their surprise to his advantage attacked. He may have been only a pup by werewolf standards, but he was quite powerful already, even more so than the men who were trying to kidnap him.

Liam allowed all his instincts as a wolf to take over as he ripped and bit at the men. The men seeing the strength of the young pup also phased, thinking that in wolf form they would be capable of taking down the pup before them. It made no difference, Liam was the heir to the Throne of Wolves and as such his father's power surged through his veins. Liam fought like the King he was destined to be, inflicting severe wounds and killing two of them, before one of the men shot him full of tranquilizers, effectively taking him down.

"Gerard doesn't pay us enough to do this shit." One of the men complained as he phased and inspected his blood covered body. His wounds were going to take some serious time to heal, plus the toxins in Liam's canines could still kill him if he didn't get it out of his system soon. They were all facing the same dilemma.

As the men loaded Liam's unconscious body into a body bag to make it easier for them to carry him one of them asked, "how long will he be out."

"I don't know. I may have over down it with the tranqs. The kid can sure fight and he is very strong" His companion answered. "We were not going to win that fight." And with that they took him away to a fate worst than death, leaving the unconscious Thorne and the twins in the car.


The twins managed to get themselves out of the car without tipping it over. "We have to get help. Uncle Thorne isn't waking up." Blair said to Blake. "Those men have Liam. Their going to hurt him." Worry for their brother was clearly evident in Blair's voice.

As the twins stood there feeling helpless, Thorne suddenly groaned before slowly opening his eyes. "Uncle Thorne, uncle Thorne!" the twins cried out. Thorne gasped out, struggling to hold on to consciousness, "you kids alright. Where's Liam?"

"They took him uncle Thorne. The men that attacked the car took Liam."

These words caused the blood in Thorne's veins to freeze over. Thorne's body jerked as if he had been shot, the words from Blake effectively clearing his head and bringing him to full consciousness. Thorne quickly ripped his seatbelt off and crawled out of the car. Standing up he looked around, trying to get his bearings. "Ok kids. Lets get out of here. We need to get to the Castle and call Hunter and Rafe." Thorne tried valiantly to keep the worry from his voice. But he was terrified at what Liam could be facing.


It was the middle of the night when they were awakened by the insistent and persistent ringing of the telephone. Hunter groaned and rolled over, pulling out of their three way embrace. He sat up slowly and turned on the bedside light. His movements woke up both Rafe and Cameron.

Picking up the telephone he answered, "hello."

Hunter's body stiffened then solidified as every cell in his body froze as he listened to Thorne. The phone slipped from his numbed hand and crashed to the bedroom floor. Cameron grabbed unto Hunter, trying to shake his body, but he was an immovable mountain. "Hunter? Hunter! What is it? What's happened?" Panic started to overtake Cameron, as Hunter continued to remain in his frozen state.

Rafe rushed around the bed and snatched up the phone, "hello. Who is this?" Rafe's eyes snapped to Hunter and Cameron at the sound of Thorne's voice. He listened to Thorne explain what had happened to Liam, his own insides freezing over as well. "We're on our way." Rafe gritted out ending the call.

"Cameron go pack us a bag. I'll deal with Hunter." Rafe stated, trying to remain calm. He didn't want to alarm Cameron, not yet. But Cameron was no one's fool. He knew that something really bad must have happened to have Hunter in such a state, and that could only mean one thing, Liam was in danger.

Cameron stared into Rafe’s eyes and tried to steel himself for the answer to the question that he was about to ask. Something in his gut told him that the answer was not something that he wanted to hear, but he had to ask. So taking a deep breath, "What has happened to Liam?" Cameron's voice was low, filled with anxiety and fear.

Rafe searched his mate's worried and fear filled face, before deciding that lying to him would serve no purpose. "He's been taken". Cameron gasped out loud, his hands flew to his mouth to cover the choked sob that escaped.

The words were a catalyst. Hunter seemed to snap back to life and he surged up off the bed. Rafe met his eyes dead on and saw exactly what he wanted to see. Ares was in control and a fire burned in the depths of his eyes that promised death to all who dared to commit this act.


Liam was tied to a chair with chains of silver, his head covered by a black bag, cutting off all his senses. This coupled with the after effects of the tranquilizers, made him quite disoriented when he finally regained consciousness. He had no idea where he was or how long he had been there.

He shook his head trying to clear it. "Ahhh. I see the little prince has finally awakened." A disembodied voice gave out. "I will let the master know that his guest is awake at last." The man cackled as if he had just made the world's best joke ever.

Soon after Liam heard a door being opened and then footsteps approaching him. The bag was yanked off his head violently and unceremoniously. Liam gasped out loud as the harsh lights hit his sensitive eyes. He squeezed them shut to minimize the pain. The man before him chuckled evilly at his obvious discomfort.

"Now. Just to get the formalities out of the way, I'll introduce myself. I am Gerard Destiel, Head of the Supernatural High Council. And you my dear boy now belongs to me." Gerard gave Liam a look and a smile that gave him no comfort.

Liam's eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights and he was able to focus on Gerard's face finally. Liam quickly realized that he was staring into the face of pure evil. That was not what terrified Liam however. What terrified him was something else that he recognised in Gerard's eyes. Pure madness and greed. All three together often times prove to be a deadly combination in any individual.

Liam refused to show his fear to Gerard and instead stared into his eyes and stated calmly and emphatically, "My father is going to kill you."

Gerard was unnerved by the boy's piercingly calm eyes, that were an exact replica of Hunter's. Looking into Liam's eyes all Gerard saw was Hunter and the need to break the little boy, to break Hunter overcame him and he lashed out. In his deranged mind he saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing except the need to destroy Hunter and anything or anyone close to him or represented him.

By the time Gerard was through and had calmed down, he was covered in Liam's blood. Liam lay before him a broken, beaten, and bloodied mess.

"Someone clean that mess up now!" Gerard ordered as he stepped over Liam's broken body.

And so it began.


As his fathers raced to his rescue, searching desperately for him. Each passing day Liam was subjected to the most depraved and twisted kinds of torture that Gerard's mind could come up with. Liam's existence was now nothing but pain. Time no longer mattered. He didn't know whether it was day or night, nor did he care. He didn't know how long Gerard had him, all he knew was that they kept moving him and punishing him in the sickest, most depraved ways possible for his father's supposed sins and crimes against Gerard.

Hunter, Rafe and Cameron were desperate to find him. But Gerard seemed to always be just one step ahead of them. Each time they found his newest hideout, they would have just missed him. All that would be left behind, was the evidence of the tortures that he was subjecting Liam to.

Hunter was beyond desperate. He was on the verge of snapping and giving up complete control to Ares his wolf. It was only his connection to Cameron and Rafe that was preventing this from happening. All were grateful for this. No one wanted a rouge King running around uncontrollable, bent on vengeance.


After many weeks of chasing and tracking Gerard, they had finally tracked him down to a remote village in South America, Gerard's latest choice for a hideout.

They were all getting ready to attack the place when there was a knock on the hotel room door. Rafe hurried to open it before whomever it was could knock again and wake up Cameron. Rafe and Hunter had a hard time getting him to rest. Cameron refused to stay behind and was just as active and involved in the search for Liam as everyone else.

As Rafe approached the door, he was shocked speechless as his father's scent wafted towards him. He refused to believe it however, this scent was something that he had not scented in centuries. He knew his father wasn't dead, but he had not seen or heard from him since he was a young boy. In fact the last time Rafe had seen his father, had been at his mother's funeral. Rafe shook the unwanted memories away and yanked the door open.

There stood Vladimir Drago in the flesh.

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